I literally have a ping macro’ed to it and people still tell me they can’t see it.
How we have a cooldown that a vast majority of people can’t see…… when they have to sit in it, is beyond me. Especially with things like dome in the game.
Oh man I was so hard focused on the Dathea ascension I forgot how cool Kurog looked in his fight. Even that is more acceptable than no-nose Cataclysm ascension.
I know Dracthyr are the shiny new children of the expansion but nothing for Shaman in an expac that’s at least 50% elemental themed is depressing. The Earthen Ring isn’t even present in any notable capacity. I think I found a single Dwarf somewhere in Waking Shores tending to some Earth Elementals.
Now I know how Warlocks felt in Legion but at least they got Fel Temptress as an option. Maybe one day we’ll get the cool Dragonflight Eles as glyphs, or even the Pandaria elementals. They were a big driving force behind me making a Pandaren Shaman because I thought I would get them as summons. But I didn’t; just boring normal elementals
I personally like the current ascended model, but I agree more could be done with it. I would personally be happy with something as simple as making it levitate and giving elemental VFX around you based on the spell you’re casting.
Truly great post! Really loved how you had exact references for each example. I’d love to see more of stuff like this on the Shaman forums. Give options and examples. Make it as easy for them to steal the ideas as possible, instead of all this doom and gloom complaining with no real tangible ideas.
I think the each option does something great, I remember first seeing Dathea and Kurog and was awestruck on how awesome they are and literally wanted to do that!.
We need to remember grass is always greener on the other side, considering Dracthyr lose 70% of their transmog options when they transform .
I’m praying TWW brings great things for Shamans especially on the Visuals, I’m literally checking WoWhead daily for Stormbringer and Totemic to be finally revealed, I need to see Stormbringer!.
Thank you for such kind words, honestly I just think a lot of the community are tired, so many years of asking and ideas, it’s sad though to see certain visuals still be how the are, I think Lightning Bolt, Ascendance and Core Race Totems are the biggest offenders.
Here to throw in my opinion that Ascendance should use the animation that Kurog Grimtotem has in the awakened fight during the elemental phase. He floats with air swirling at his feet and has the elements circling him. It looks sooooo dope.
It’s pre-patch and I am super excited about the War-Within coming next month! The gameplay will be exciting to play and I can’t wait. However, we have not received an update or communication on visual updates for Shamans, namely Ascendance.
This is a grand opportunity to start things off solid for Shamans along with all the gameplay updates.
Please continue to share your ideas or thoughts on the topic – We need this!! Thanks.
Well elemental shaman already got nerfed so yeah… Stormbringer is literally inferior to the Farseer hero talents now. I predict blizzard will come for our single target damage after nerfing our aoe damage. So at least or weakened abilities will look cool if we get a visual update?
In regards to animations and in particular Ascendance, can we all hope for:
“What can be… unburdened by what has been.”
-Kamala Harris
Whatever dafuq She means by that, cuz I’m not sure I know and I don’t think she does either but the devs also don’t seem to or we’d probably have a new Ascendance model expansions ago.
I know this has been asked for to death but might as well keep beating it