I just killed it but we didn’t’ have vokers in the group. I think their mere existence in the fight bugs it.
Just bumping – still bugged. LFR. Tried on 2 separate days with 2 different toons/factions.
Still bugged today. Cant get my 30 bosses done. PLEASE LOOK AT THE FORUM
The trick to killing it is to have only 24 people
still bugged and at 26/30…guessing it won’t be fixed until Tuesday and I’ll have to kill all the bosses all over again on my lock.
This is the correct answer i believe. Anything more than 24 people and the boss has too much HP to be knocked down to the required 40% to enter P2.
That might be true on LFR, but in normal it bugged in a 15 man raid. My group is going to poke at it again tonight, and hopefully we can get a non-bugged instance.
we just tried it on normal and its still bugged
Well, we tried many times to kill it on LFR. Many people left but a few die hards stayed to max out Determination. We hit 10 Determination and during the fight someone left. That was an easy kill after that because everything went like usual.
We noticed the third orb was spawning by itself - theory was that by doing them in the correct “order” it would work. So we did the first orb, then held the one that activated third (look for the AOE shield triggering on the one you’re not dpsing next to) until we dunked the second one. When we did it in this order it worked but it could’ve been us having a specific player count.
My guild group tried last night on normal as well. We tried many things listed in this thread to no avail. Boss wouldn’t come out. We also made our evoker leave and we reset.
insane how long they let this bug go on, especially with people trying to get the mount at the end of expansion.
How is this not fixed yet?
Tried several different things. Starting with middle, left, right, no Envokers, Envokers not dunking, etc. Dunk order that ended up working for us.
First shield orb, Second shield orb, Auto spawn orb.
Could have just been a fluke but doing it this way is what started P2 on our kill yesterday.
Hope it helps!
edit: Kill group did have Envokers but they did not dunk.
Thats the way bugs work. There is no snap your fingers and its fixed option my dear alliance. Testing, replication. solve etcetc.
Well 6 days is way longer than most bugs exist when they halt progress. Plus blizzard hasn’t even acknowledged it yet. It has been here since the 2nd phase of prepatch went live with no word for the devs. So this isn’t the way bugs work. This is more of a the new expansion is soon lets not worry about it.
Just to add more evidence of it being a scaling issue, I did this in LFR on my Evoker. With 25 people in the party, the boss did not come out after the 3rd orb. We tried with 24, I even carried one of the orbs as an Evoker, and the boss did go to phase 2. So it’s absolutely not an Evoker issue.
I just verification on Twitter it’s being worked on. Just to pass on the good word.
Confirmed working in LFR just now - Ysera US
Also confirming it is working now.