<Vigil> Mal'Ganis - 10/10M, tues/wed 7-11 CST - LF 1 Disc Priest

Vigil was a high-end raiding guild, which formed as a result of a guild merger between Death and Taxes and Aurora on June 13th, 2009. We are a core group of former hardcore players looking to raid on a casual schedule while still striving for cutting edge achievements. We look forward to bringing life to the guild again while maintaining the values that Vigil has always stood for.

wowprogress: [https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/mal-ganis/Vigil]

Progression update: 10/10M

Raid Schedule: Tuesday & Wednesday 7-11 pm Central (Server) Time / 8-12 EST

For more information, please contact: Myself (Sting#1585) or FCLOL#1367 (Galexd)

We are currently looking for 1 Disc Priest for 9.1

We will continue to reclear Mythic Castle Nathria in the meantime! :slight_smile:

Still looking! :slight_smile: Need 1 rdps + 1 healer

Need a healer. Disc hpal or resto sham

226 mage 9/10 M.

made a recruitment post

Need a tank !!

Still looking

still be lookin

need a tank

still be looking. need good tank for 9.1 and beyond

can you provide a discord name for us to contact?

still looking.

Still looking

still be looking

still looking

looking for the goat

we be looking

stiill looking :slight_smile:

If you change your mind about the bear butt😂

MultiClass MultiCE Bear

hard to find a tank :c

Hello, I sent a request to you on both discord and bnet(i didn’t know which it was for) for more info. I am a 8/10M tank, 222Vdh and 215 BDk and I can play any tank that is needed for prog. My disc is Vis#0432 and Bnet is Vis#11781