Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

Horde very much can, it’s what’s so flawed about your magically strat of well just take SFGY, or any other south GY for that matter, and alliance has it easy.

Horde don’t have to defend or immediately take SFGY. Horde can easily just soft cap SHGY which if alliance are pushing south is an easy win for horde. Then they can pick off anyone north at their leisure. Even if alliance actually turn a GY south by that point they won’t have enough south for it to matter and can’t get reinforcements as horde have SHGY and noone can get south to help.


None of this implies “better organized” when I said both groups mindlessly doing what they always do auto yields a win for Horde.

You aren’t reading, and I’m done responding.

This is cute. If teams are even, this doesn’t happen. Horde don’t just magically soft cap SHGY because you say they do. We also don’t magically have the 30+ needed to do so simply because you sent 15 to SFGY while defending with 20+ at SHGY. That’s not how it works.

When all is even, eventually Alliance crack enough Horde at SHGY that you have a breather and can move to SFGY. That’s because Horde, again, appears in waves. 30+ smashes 10+. It is up to the group to make the call to push forward once you smash a wave. If you let Horde actually start rezzing at SFGY, it is over.

When one side does what they always do to get a win and the other side does what they always do to maximize rep, explain to me how that isn’t better organized…

If the teams are even alliance can in theory hold SHGY indefinitely. If as you propose in your magic strategy they try to push south horde don’t have to immediately respond. They can simply stack 40 on SHGY, soft cap it then finish off the people south slowly.

This happens time and time again.



No it doesn’t. Literally ever. I have never seen 40 Horde push SHGY outside of the initial push when the gates open. Even when we group up, it isn’t that organized. Ever. Literally ever. Ever Ever. Have I mentioned ever?

You might get 30 to push SHGY. Maybe.

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This is what they keep failing to realize, horde don’t need to defend anything. Yet when they give us a strategy they have us attacking another objective but what they fail to realize is The Horde don’t need to react to anything they can just keep sending their 40 to one graveyard.

Yet in their advice they want us to hold that graveyard and attack another objective.


What I find incomprehensible is the idea that you played Horde if you think that’s what happens. Someone sees people going to SFGY, inevitably something around 10 Horde will break off and bee line for it. The only question is whether you can win the team fight there while holding SHGY with 25 against 30. You should be able to.

Edit. And by break off. I don’t mean some grouped up bunch. I mean 10 players will rush there and straggle in 2-4 at a time.

Edit 2: And to be perfectly clear, none of this is “advice.” That’s how you win. That’s how that side of the map has always won an evenly skilled game. You flat out can’t do this now because there is a skill gap on that BG and there is a massive gap in people actually trying to win on that BG. I can’t give you advice on how to get your good players to queue up. Because that’s what actually has to happen.

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Ofc, but that’s because you guys aren’t that good.

Imagine being able to win as soon as you take SHGY and you still try to go stop a useless SFGY cap rofl.

Cap SHGY then go kill them, the alliance would have no place to Rez.

Also think about this, most of my games it takes horde 40 minutes to take SHGY, even then they don’t usually take it unless they summon frosty boi, IMAGINE if instead of use rezing 10 at a time there we rezd 20 at a time like you do at IBGY.

You guys would NEVER cap and hold it.

And here’s my horde toon.

Exactly. Horde commit 100% to offense but alliance should split offense and defense? What part of that isn’t sinking in for them?

If the initial clash was FoS, horde would have to split offense defense as well because alliance would be entering horde side of the map at the same time horde hit alliance side. But as it is, they’re just taking one objective to effectively end the game, an alliance objective they reach within seconds of alliance.

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What games are you playing? Most games right now it takes like 10 minutes to cap SHGY due to alliance simply not existing in the numbers necessary to hold it.

Also, you seem to be under the misapprehension that horde are logical. Most aren’t. They see you moving to SFGY, a bunch will bite. This isn’t a premade group. There isn’t some grand general leading us to victory. There are 40 individuals and they all make choices. Many of them will make poor ones. But if 40 of us rush SHGY in waves of 10-15 and you can’t hold SHGY with 25-30, then yeah that’s on you. You should be able to do exactly that long enough to cap and hold SFGY and then push us. When the teams are somewhat even, this actually does happen with some frequency. About the only time they are even close to even right now is on AV weekend though and even those are usually weighted toward Horde most games.

No they wouldn’t. What makes you think they wouldn’t just move straight to SFGY and have the first fight there? What makes you think they wouldn’t ride past and kill balinda? What makes you think they wouldn’t just ride past and take SHGY?

The only reason Horde would fight in the FOS is because they were stupid. Same statement applies to Alliance BTW.

You missed the entire point. Right now alliance are 20 seconds farther from the first horde objective than horde are from alliance objectives. SF is not a horde objective. It is neutral.

Don’t really believe those numbers Im getting the ring for my hunter and most games we control s SHGY for over 30 minutes. I even won yesterday on my Hunter and got the bow.

At around the 25 minute mark raid chat typically goes to trash The Horde players are in this battleground.

I didn’t miss the point. I disagree with it. You can move the cave back. The first fight won’t happen at FOS unless both teams are crap. Horde wouldn’t defend their towers either because ultimately the towers don’t do much for our defensive line anyway. If you are suggesting it would allow alliance to get more honor / rep based on caps, then sure. It wouldn’t trigger some wholesale defensive strategy on the Horde side though. You would get a couple of stealthies to try to back cap. You might get 5-10 to defend if you get some of the dumber / newer players in there.

But none of this changes the fact that Horde is still far less likely to defend. Unless you are suggesting you rush past for IBGY. Then sure. But that’s kinda the antithesis of the entire Alliance “they r got best choke” argument too.

Idc where the first fight takes place. My point is that horde resources will be at risk at the same alliances are. As it is now, Horde can cap SHB by the time alliance get to Bal. But Alliance still have to cross FoS to even get to the first horde objective.

The cave graveyard gets fixed first and then the horde cave gets moved back.

I take issue with neither of these changes. Pretty consistently haven’t either.

Is this TBC where resources matter? Last I checked you didn’t lose reinforcements for losing Balinda / SHB. I am straight up saying that moving the cave won’t force Horde to “defend” anything. If anything, it actually has the negative effect of stringing alliance out more instead of forcing horde to bash against a large wall at SHGY.

That’s why the cave was moved back. You lose a hundred reinforcements when Belinda dies