<Viable> NYA CE / Nathria 8/10M TWTh 8-11PM CST recruiting

They have free kool-aid!

bump 10char

2/10M looking for more players!

holidays are over, time to prog, lets gooo

bump bump uwu.

recruiting still

now 3/10m w/ Darkvein almost done too!!

Need more peeps, lets goooo

Inerva down! SK and Xymox next!

SK down! looking to add a few more to our roster!

Halfway done and pushing to finish for CE!

Xymox almost dead, still looking!

6/10M Xymox dead!

Council prog, lets goooo

Good progress on Council! Looking to add a few more exceptional players to our roster for Sludgefist > Sire progression!

bump! Council half way dead

LF exceptional players to finish up CN!

8/10M last two going down asap!

Seeing more SLG prog should die within a week!