Very Sad News about FuriousPaul, known by Joana

And this comment right here, is probably the most disrespectfull comment ive seen for a long time.

This guy was a top notch speed runner in Vanilla WoW, he keept making guide all the way until his death 2 days ago, he’s been around WoW longer then most people on on WoW.

The fact that you needed to find a negative thing to say about someone passing away blows my mind, i hope you got your satisfaction and the attention you wanted. Imagine having to bad talk someone thats not even here anymore.


You have some obvious mental issues, shut up.

In the future how you handle this situation is that you ignore it. You don’t need to tell people why you don’t care.

I can’t believe I have to tell other adults this, but be better.

If you want to berate me, then please read the whole thread first.
I wrote my first post because too many both here and in the other thread said: we don’t know who he is, why do we need to be told" or words to that account. Then I said something like: “I don’t know who he is either, but I appreciate that you tell the world, sorry for your loss”. The rest is ping-pong to streamers/knowing/guides &c between Aovona and myself. And please, as I asked Aovona, cut me some slack for not knowing or using the perfectly right words. I am not a native speaker.
So I maintain my right to say. “I did not know him for this reason, but still I care, sorry for your loss.” without being told I suffer from mental issues.

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so, what if it’s irrelevant to you. there was no need to comment.
The OP was asking the Classic forum a request and let some people know of a man’s passing.

if it doesn’t apply to you, why do you feel the need to express your opinions.

this post is not for only Vanillatauer but to all those who are posting nonsense and their negative opinions.

As I said. To let OP know that also people NOT knowing Paul/Joana could feel touched by his passing - even to thinking that he indeed merited an in-game NPC, seeing the tribute others paid him.

And what is nonsense and negative opinions is not up to you. This is an open forum, only hate speech and suchlike is forbidden here. We’re expressibly ASKED by Blizz to voice our negative opinions and critique here.

RIP - Joana was a legit fan of this game and his guides got me through some tough parts of vanilla back in the day!

Shame to see the blatant disrespect a few folks are deciding to throw at a now deceased member of OUR community. Pretty pathetic behavior but hey, that’s our community.

Rest easy brother


Thanks for sharing. That is sad news. I used Joana’s guides back in the day before everything was automated with addons. He worked super hard to optimize things and was well respected in his niche. Rest in peace.

Edit: Yes, he absolutely should be considered for being memorialized in the game. Female troll hunter would of course be quite fitting :slight_smile:

The blizzard we have today is out of touch with the community and share a care for profits over quality service and product.

People expecting an NPC for a person who was a large influence in the community to which blizzard doesn’t cater to anymore is a stretch. When activision was head they even removed some NPC’s of players who passed away or are still alive and huge influences from the past based on public appearance. They go to jail or do something bad on social media the NPC is revoked.

If I was dead right now and had an influence in the game like Joana did I would NOT want an NPC in this game in any version of it under the leadership and direction blizz has taken with warcraft, it’d taint the work and effort put in I did in the past.

But then again all this is my personal opinion and I have a right to it. My first comment here stands true. Why are people constantly spreading news of someone’s death in WoW in hopes of either a NPC added or forced projected remembrance and scolding if we don’t know who it is or what they did.

We had a few people on reddit genuinely not know who this person was and saw the post and were yes sorry the person passed but when they made it known they didnt know who it was or what they did in WoW they got downvoted to oblivion.

So bite me. >,>

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This is so true, so sadly true.

RIP Joana. Although I didn’t know him personally, he was the reason I got my first ever level 60. I started mid-BC and I owe it to him!