Versatile former CE raider lf casual raiding guild

Hello, as the title says Im a former CE raider, I got my CE in Legion. I also raided mythic previously in WoD. But currently I am looking for a casual raiding guild whos goals are to push at least 5/10 mythic this Tier. I have a Arms Warrior almost mythic raid ready, but I am well rounded in many classes and would be willing to class/faction swap even. I can play: DH, DK, Monk, DPS Sham, Rogue, and warlock all at a high level. (Only Con is I CAN’T raid Monday or Thursday 5-9 PM because of school.)

Hey! I would love to chat as we are looking for a couple of DPS to round out our raid team. I think we fit your availability - our raid time is Tuesday/Wednesday from 6pm to 9pm PST (we do have an optional heroic farm on Thursday but that’s optional). We’re currently 4/10M (with a 8% wipe on soulrender so definitely will be hitting 5/10M soon). Hit me up on discord if you’re interested in chatting: evalensce#6997

Hey Hamturkey,

Would love to chat! Here is a little bit about us.

–| Rain | – is a newly formed guild devoted to creating a fun, engaging, raid atmosphere that focuses on progression and player improvement. We are led by Cutting Edge (CE) experienced raiders who are dedicated to our raiders. We value your time and will always work hard to make sure it’s well spent raiding with us. If you are interested in helping us grow, please apply below. Here are a few things we feel sets us apart from other guilds.

Your loot is yours! We will NEVER ask you to give up your hard earned loot.
Multiple Raider Ranks. The longer you raid with us the higher your raider rank and privileges grow. (You can find more info on Guild Ranks bellow)
Open Officer Meetings. You won’t see our officers running into a private channel after the raid! We discuss player performance, fight strategy, and guild direction openly. We are a team!
Community Representative (CR). All guild members may vote bi-weekly for their representative. The guild member with the most votes is rewarded the rank of CR which has all Officer privileges and will be the guild’s voice during Officer Meetings.
A Gaming Community not just a WoW Guild. We play a handful of other games like Final Fantasy XIV, MineCraft, Pokemon Unite, and much more! We believe a guild that games together stays together!
Our goal is to complete 10/10 Heroic Sanctum of Domination each week until we grow a roster strong enough to tackle Mythic. If you are interested in helping strengthen our roster please apply below. We have core spots and officer positions available!

Current progress is 9/10 Heroic 1/10 Mythic. Core Raid times are Tuesday - Wednesday 9-11:30PM EST with an optional raid voted each week by the Guild (has been Saturday evening)

Contact us on Discord - Bwill#0463

Hey brother. We have exactly the level of guild you are looking for. 7-10PM CST on Tues/Weds about to hit 5/10M. We would love your class utility. We have some incredibly good players who do casual and hard keys in our raiding downtime, and we can be quite social in discord/guild.

Contact me at
Cabosetv#0275 - Discord
Cabosetv#1677 - Bnet

Loot Box has been raiding together since late WoD. Tue/Wed 6-9pm PST. Currently 2/10M 10/10H
We value fun and entertainment over sheer progression. Even still, lately we have been making more of a push into mythic raiding content since 8.3 with hopes to get to a point where we can push the hardest content with people we enjoy playing with.

We could use a strong Arms Warrior to add to our roster and several of the other alts you have listed!

You can check out our progress here at raider io by searching Loot Box
and you can check out our logs here at warcraft logs

If any of this sounds interesting, please let me know and we can get you into our upcomming tuesday raid where you can test the waters with us!

The best way to get a hold of us is through discord:
Maudem#7613 (officer) or Mx#2128 (GM)
We can also be reached through battlenet: Stardate12#1178

hello there, if your still looking, we’d love for you to consider us! I’ll drop the link to my guild add below, and if the raid time works out for you, and it sounds like we could be a good fit, I’d love to chat!

We i think would be a great fit for you, we raid T/W 9-1230 est. We are 10/10 heroic and 2/10 mythic. We are just looking to replace our bottom few dps before we have a very viable group! My discord is Kreda#6508 and we would love to hear from you!

Hey Hamturkey, I’m the raid leader for Jellyfish on Zul’jin.

We’re currently 10/10H and 3/10M SoD. We raid Weds 9-11p EST and Sat 8-11p EST.

Our previous experience together includes 11/12M Nyalotha and 8/10M CN.

I’ll link a few things from our recruitment post but feel free to reach out and just talk one on one if you’d prefer that. Discord: Yaim#7344 // Btag: Yaim#11909 :grin:


  • AOTC every tier with mythic prog after that.
  • Breaks (specially nearing the end of the tier) are welcome to prevent burnout.
  • No CE goals, and no hard pushing mythic. We still are a MYTHIC guild. We expect people to go through logs (or ask for help), make changes when asked, keep their characters competitive and be a team player!
  • We strive to be better after every wipe, and still have fun with it on a light schedule :slight_smile:

Extra Guild Stuff

  • Community is very important to us so: Twice a month we plan non-raid activities such as: Mounts, mog runs, achievements, dueling tournaments, jackbox nights and transmog contests.
  • We aim for a weekly RBG night. (1800-2k mmr))


  • working professionals
  • Nights and weekends are our most active times.
  • We have no room for elitism or rude people. Everything can be approached from a standpoint of literally just respecting other humans.