S2 1/8H 8/8N <Vermilion> Tues/Thurs 730-930 CST M+ Guild LF Healer

This is Vermillion, our mission is to excel in heroic raiding and Mythic+ dungeons while fostering a welcoming environment where every player, new or seasoned, feels valued and engaged. We are dedicated to achieving seasonal Ahead of the Curve and pushing Mythic+ progression., all while prioritizing a non-toxic, supportive mindset that puts fun and personal growth at the forefront. Our community thrives on mutual respect and collaboration, with a focus on creating memorable experiences through not only top-tier gameplay but also honest social interactions. Looking to see you there.

Raid Times:

  • Tues/Thurs @ 7:30-9:30pm CST.
  • Undermine 1/8H
  • Palace 8/8N 8/8H 4/8M

What we are looking for:

  • Tanks: Closed
  • Healers: Open
  • Range DPS: Open
  • Melee DPS: Open

About the AotC Team:
This raid group is formed by a group of players that have been long time players but do not wish to pursue CE. The goal of this group is to achieve AoTC each tier but play well and have fun seeing the content in a more chill environment. All competent gamers are welcome to reach out.

Since we were able to achieve AoTC in a timely matter, we have adventure into Mythic raiding. We will continue to do this each season achieving AoTC first, then enter into Mythics, with no expectation to clear all mythic content but to see how far we can succeed while still enjoying the game.

If we sound like a group for you and you like having fun while raiding but also have a semi-competitive edge to you, please feel free to reach out in game or to our leaders on discord!

Shift: @shift7587
Killpop: @killpop9932

Social and Mythic+ players are welcome to join as well. We spend most evenings during the week pushing keys or hanging out on discord. We are looking into forming teams to push into higher keys. We are looking to possibly have a PvP night going as well for those that are interested in joining.

Looking for more people to join us!

come join us

Looking for more DPS to come join us!

Come join us!

still need more dps

Resto Druid here. Where are you guys based?

Our guild is on Mal’ganis

we are still looking for dps

Always looking for more DPS and casuals welcome too!

AoTC guild and we love doing keys! Come join!

we are looking for dps

Just a few spots left. Looking for Hunter and/or Spriest. Always welcome casuals

Bump it up

still need some dps

can fill ret, feral, dk(any), enhance. (in that order? but no real pref. ret play is really smooth right now in terms of hit box and survival.)

if interested let me know as soon as possible so i can prep role.

returning player ± 8years, tons of xp, none recently though tbh.

also looking for casual mythic 5 man group that’s not afraid to wipe and laugh it off.

We would like to chat with you. You can reach out to us on our discord tags in the post.

Tonight is the night! Come join us!

still looking for some dps

Wanting to add a few more raiders to our roster!