Yeah. This took 22 souls, which I had to save for weeks. Plus 10K anima, which as we know, is scarce. So not getting my portal when the tooltip said I would, yeah… it’s disappointing and unrewarding to say the least.
Still a major bug. Why are you even defending this? We all saved up souls and anima for a portal that’s not there.
Who is defending the bug? I’m sure not. Yes it seems like a bug, but it isn’t game breaking. Should it be fixed ASAP? Yes! Is it annoying? You better believe it. Is it game-breaking? Not even close.
Not really sure why anyone would bother to come into a post about a bug and downplay it by trying to change the subject into whether the bug is “gamebreaking”. Frankly, that’s trolling. Especially given this exact bug was in existence literally the entire Beta, and folks reported the bug every day in the Beta.
I logged in just now and the portal to Oribos is now there, in the room with the flight master.
It was fixed yesterday
I used it yesterday from the room with the flight path. Only thing is, as specified in the tooltip, it’s a portal to oribos. One way only. Would have been nice if it was back and forth.