Venari is the Arbiter in disguise

Ve’nari working for The Jailer would explain why she tells you not to meddle too much, as well as her keeping an eye on you would explain why he’s largely disinterested in you in The Maw.

On the flip side, we wouldn’t know for sure because we don’t know why why Ve’nari betrayed the Ve cartel beyond her own insinuation that it was over ethical concerns of working with The Jailer.

Bwonsamdi warned us not to trust the Brokers at all. Ve’nari warns us not trust her, as even she might one day betray us.

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That would actually be really fun, I ADORE Ven’ari, she’s literally the only good thing about the maw. She’s a joy to interact with. I feel her cold shoulder bit is just that, a bit. She gets downright angry when they test your anima in Korthia. She CARES a little, about something. She definitely cares about stopping the Jailer, so she’s okay in my book.

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They’re making Ve’nari into a bartender in Hearthstone. Imagine getting served drinks by a near-Goddess.

Ven’ari is secretly Elune!

(I’d be completely and 100% done with WoW’s lore of Blizzard actually did this)