Velfs got their black and white

I was just wondering. Your character has 25 posts but you seem to be upset about people using Alts, so I was wondering what was going on there is all.



Alright, let’s not derail this anymore, my lovelies. That crap is done and gone. Leave it alone. That’s not what this thread is.


That was lowkey brutal.

I approve.


Sounds familiar. Already going at it with someone else? Sounds like problems follow you wherever you go.

Glad what happened today, happened. Sleep good.

groans Fine :heart:


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Well, isn’t that an interesting development.

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Dang they didn’t ban you?!?! LOL THIS IS GREAT


Don’t come into my thread and harass me. Neph and now you started this bs.

Move on. Don’t derail this thread.

Go troll somewhere else.


I do what I want though? Lol you so mad. This reminds me of those soap operas my mom used to watch. Both of ya’ll need to go outside.

Back to the pit with ye!

Keep it on topic or leave. It’s that simple. You’re the one trolling and harassing in this thread.


All you do is scream other people are harassing you and trolling. Like chill. You are the one that go so upset over a joke. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looking guilty as heck over there! hehehe

Hell yes. They could have only given those two colors and I’d have been super happy.


Honestly, that’s all I wanted, too. Because black and white fit them pretty well.

edit: how
 did this forum
 swap characters on me
 and now won’t let me swap back??? anyone got a way to fix that?


Honestly, I’m pretty happy with my hair color.

But damn if that Black doesn’t look clean af
 I might be tempted.


The problem is that it was essential too much for Lor’themar Theron to act this way. Lor’themar Theron at first approved of the research and then did a mad man twist and just ejected them because they affected the light being in the well. Lor’themar seems to act if possessed by the light. A power it does posse and uses as shown in legion.
Side Note:
A lot of the debate is why? Now they basically making the high elves of a different race and not even related to blood elves(AKA HIGH ELF that change their race name). Which just does not make sense of doing this in the first place. They need to stop and think for once. Not when sub drop so low that they alienate the horde to point hostility by the paying customer. If they continue down this path they going to lose a major portion of their cult followers. They can not afford to lose those white knights who pay yearly. This looking like Wildstar coming to you.

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Oh no. The Horde have one minor inconvenience that doesn’t affect them at all, and is only fixing what Blizzard broke in Burning Crusade when they gave Blood Elves to the Horde entirely to appease the Asian crowd who wanted a pretty race to play with their girlfriends (literally a quote from Blizzard).

Meanwhile, last expansion, they gave Horde unhunched options for Orcs, the only truly as-its-own Allied Race, and objectively the better allied races, while demonizing an Alliance hero in the process of giving them one of said races.

(Don’t even get me started on genociding the Night Elves, but allowing the Forsaken to evacuate)

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Almost twinsies


As a Velf main i cheekily disagree lel, been quite nice having surprise new Velf customization options added these last few patches, i feel very spoiled X3