Veiled Augment Rune

Can you farm these or are they only available or obtainable I should say from the mission table (AH not included)?

Tanking a heroic dungeon through LFG usually rewards you with a few runes.

mission table and CTA bags are the only sources currently.

This means either you do the table or tank/heal + waste time in heroics for gold to sell them/use.

They are made to be the main draw for the CTA bags to get people to do heroics as there really is not much reason to do heroics otherwise esp as tank/heal the best roles to skip content in.

thank you, :slight_smile:

The CTA bags can also show up for random normal dungeons (I believe once you hit level 60 though). They can also show up for LFR. Very rarely does dps get the CTA bags but it can happen in LFR. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it for random normal / heroic dungeons though.

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hybrids can farm them through LFG.

i’ve done it quite a bit last expansion… but they used to sell for 1k last expansion and are only 500g this one.

edit: the addon “LookingForSachels” is what you want.

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AFAIK you also get runes from killing LFR bosses no matter what spec you are.

Not anymore.

You only get them from Call to Arms bag and the mission table (once you hit a certain point in the adventure campaigns) in Shadowlands.

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Yeah I have over 600 of them I have been stockpiling since the price crashed in the hope that they price goes back up when the new raid launches. They’ll probably just create a new ones that gives 5 more primary and make them worthless though lol.

And you are basing this on what? Ever since they brought them in with WoD they don’t change their stat budget until we get new ones when the next expansion happens.

My natural pessimism

history tells us you’re wrong.

Unfortunately, no. It’s not even worth doing for runes, honestly, except Sire. The wings take too long for it to be worth it.