Vanguard's Momentum bugged


can we not have a 2nd raid night in a row without our spec working pls ty

Bumping. 4set is bugged and it’s making our performance/spec feel even worse.

Bugged indeed and its major.

Also to whom it may concern, there’s been a major bug with Execution Sentence subtracting any damage your attacks gain from versatility from it’s final calculation since 10.0.7.

A fix for this can be nearly a 3% dps buff (and god do we need this)

Normally we don’t have much engagement in bug reports with our spec, and blizzard hasn’t even acknowledged it.

Let’s make use of the traction this has gained to bring that to light.

Fix Hammer of Wrath and fix Execution Sentence too!

maintenance ended and didn’t resolve this bug, please fix it blizzard

Come on Blizz pls

Bump–still not working as of 12 July. Seen this same issue posted on the forums back in May with the 4 set bonus, why would it be happening again?

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it’s crazy because this bug is really major, our entire spec revolves around HoW this tier

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If our spec was doing too much damage it would have been nerfed the second servers went live. Our spec is already at the bottom and this certainly isn’t helping…please fix.

removing the tier fixes the the charge consumption, so fix the tier and also fix Execution sentence.

If you are not going to allow it to scale with damage increases, it shouldn’t be affected by damage reductions either.

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Bumping. Also fix Execution Sentence while you’re at it please.

It’s an old bug but it checks out.

It cant be that hard to fix the bug