<Valor> AotC, 5/11 M Sepulcher, 7/10 M SoD

Bumping up!

Bumping this!

Bumping this!

Bumping. Feel free to message me as well as Xenkore-
Btag Elay#1208
Discord: Renala#0010

Bumping for new people.

Woo, we did it- AoTC and M-Shriekwing down!

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Now progressing on Hungering Destroyer, 2/10

We’ve officially murderlated Xy’mox and Kaelthas on Mythic this week, bringing us to 6/10

Updating; we’re expecting to get AotC and start Mythic soon.

I hear we need more friendos, come with us, slay all of the dargons

Bumping for 9.2 recruiting.

Valor is a great guild. We just killed Painsmith and it was the ̶w̶o̶r̶s̶t̶ best experience of my entire life. I am saying this of my own volition and am not being coerced in any way.

Who even are you? :stuck_out_tongue:

Bumping this

We’re welcoming new people all the time. The Dragonflight announcement has already brought quite a few people back.

I recommend this guild, I joined a little while back and there are lots of friendly people to run dungeons and do content with!

Got another kill!