[US][H][Area 52] <Second Round> is recruiting for Season 4 and DF

bumping up here

Bumping for degens

bumping for daytime degens

yes another bump

huge bump i tell ya

Imagine not having big kritz

my crits are bigger

crits are overrated

bumping this crappie up

friday bump

friday night bump

imagine lol

There now is your insular city of the Manhattoes, belted round by wharves as Indian isles by coral reefsā€”commerce surrounds it with her surf. Right and left, the streets take you waterward. Its extreme downtown is the battery, where that noble mole is washed by waves, and cooled by breezes, which a few hours previous were out of sight of land. Look at the crowds of water-gazers there.

bumping this up

Do the humpty bump.

Iā€™m running out of characters to bump with :confused:

Guess what day it isā€¦

Bump dayyyyy

doing that bump thing

it smells in here