[US][H] 200 DH Tank LF raid guild

I’ve been raid healing since BC and decided this tier to switch to tanking. I’ve mostly been doing M+ and would like to start raid tanking. I have a ton of raiding experience in every expansion and am 10/10 normal and 6/10 heroic in this tier on my healer.

I show up early to raid, come completely prepared, and give 110%. I prefer weeknights after 7 PST but could go a bit earlier. Friday nights are fine but I can’t commit to Sat/Sunday. I’m definitely looking for a guild that is capable of CE.

Looking forward to hearing from folks!

Hey there, hit me up on btag schrades#11566

Still looking for a guild

Hey my guilds looking for a tank. We’re on Zul’jin horde and our raid times are 7-10pm EST Thursday and Friday. Contact me at Archmage Galacius#1482 discord if you’re interested.

Hey Nyssarrah - I’m co-raid lead of a newly formed Alliance prog team on Proudmoore. We raid Tues & Wed (6 pm - 9 pm PST / 9 pm - 12 am EST), and are currently 1/10H and 10/10N. Now that we have a solid dps roster we should progress through Heroics for our AOTC fairly quickly, then to CE before new content’s released. We are specifically looking for a DH Tank. We’re chill, we know how to play our toons, we don’t stand in puddles of death, and we kill bosses - that’s what we do.

You can find out more about us here: [A] Companions (Proudmoore) LFM Mythic Raiders

Thanks Gracyn. Looks like you have a great group of people but I’d prefer to stay horde side. Thanks for the reply!

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