Useful Macro Templates

I was changing stuff around and testing on Fitzcairn’s Macro Explain-o-matic site and this is what I came up with. Haven’t had a chance to test in-game yet though.

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead]Vivify;[@focus,harm,nodead]Spear Hand Strike;[@mouseover,harm,nodead][harm]Spear Hand Strike;[@player]Vivify

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Vivify; [@focus,harm,nodead] [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] Spear Hand Strike; Vivify

You don’t need to repeat the spell name when it’s in the same “priority block”


Hi, I’m attempting to cast Fleshcraft a channeled buff next to 4 other buffs but it seems to constantly get interrupted, I’ve used both instances of

/stopmacro [channeling] /cast Fleshcraft /cast Anti-Magic Shell /cast Death's Advance /cast Icebound Fortitude /cast Lichborne

as well as

/cast [nochanneling] Fleshcraft /cast Anti-Magic Shell /cast Death's Advance /cast Icebound Fortitude /cast Lichborne

None of these seems to work :confused:

#showtooltip Fleshcraft
/cast Anti-Magic Shell
/cast Death's Advance
/cast Icebound Fortitude
/cast Lichborne
/cast Fleshcraft

Strongly recommend never using it though.

Thanks for the swift reply! I’m curious as to why you wouldn’t recommend using this! haha

Cuz you’re blowing absolutely every defensive-- and a speed boost-- some of which are only useful against certain types of damage. It’s overkill and a waste of resources.

hi mate, you’re anwsome, ty x your job.
please help me with a macro
/cast [@mouseover,help,dead][]Redención
/run local name = UnitName(“mouseover”); SendChatMessage("this day will not be " … name … “, in the name of light I command you to come back from the darkness.”, “SAY”, nil, name)

i want mix this macro with others spells with mod but i dont want every time i launch the macro, launch the text, i only want the text when i use mod alt in other cases use the other spells with shift and ctrl.

ty for any hepl


/cast [@mouseover,help,dead][]Redención
/opt [mod:alt,@mouseover,help,nodead] /s This day will not be %m, in the name of light I command you to come back from the darkness.; [mod:alt,help,dead] /s This day will not be %t, in the name of light I command you to come back from the darkness.

THANKS A LOT MATE vey useful macro, the last one please maybe you would make a mouseover inspect macro, you are the best

Hello! Stumbled onto your very helpful list of macros!
Just wanted to check if the following was possible:

I’m a reso sham that wants to have a macro combining Healing Rain @ cursor, and Flame Shock on enemy when mousing over or targeting enemy units. I’ve tried tweaking the above macros to see if it works but haven’t been able to do something like that - wanted to check if this is possible?

/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] Flame Shock; [@cursor] Healing Rain
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I am a mage, but you seem to be a wizard! I think this is out the a macro’s scope, but ill ask anyway.

Is it possible to setup a macro to cast Arcane Explosion, but if you have the “clearcasting” buff, it could would cast Arcane Missiles?




Added a Dragonriding Mount Macro.

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Get stuff thanks for your work !!

is there a way to add a short pause to a macro?

I wanna do something like:

/s Summoning giant rock monster!
[insert .5 second pause here]
/cast Earth Elemental

If you want to randomly summon your favorited dragonriding mount, replace the number with 0.

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You can insert a delay into macros with the help of an addon, but you can only use it to delay chat and other inconsequential things, not spellcasts or similar.

I’m looking for some help using the new conditional [known] in a help/harm macro. My attempt below but the purge portion is not working when I spec into purge.

/cast [known:cleanse spirit,@mouseover,help,nodead] Cleanse Spirit; [known:Greater Purge,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] Greater Purge; [known:Purge,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] Purge