Use the Welcome Back Gift at your own risk!

There’s indication that it was fixed, but I think I saw someone post not long ago that they couldn’t get it on their Zandalari after the boost.

I wouldn’t risk it.


I wish I’d read this before accepting the gear update. Right now, you can opt out of the quest log wipe. I could, anyways. But imagine me freaking out when I didn’t realize that my old and way better gear and all the contents of my bags were in the mail. I almost started crying.

Also, my own bags were bigger and full so it took me a while to put everything back. I don’t recommend this. I’m going to try it on a low-level alt that I don’t really care about so I can see if it’s worth it for lower levels.


it’s a fantastic option.
you tried using it on a character which clearly already had good gear and good bags.

someone who is returning after a few years, won’t.
even if their gear was good when they last played, the character and their gear could have endured multiple squishes which have left them with terrible gear, and 16 slot bags.
the option to clear the quest log and port to city is great for people who just want to wipe the slate clean and move forward.

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I get that it’s meant for low level toons to try and get an upgrade but it honestly depends on the level. I did this on a toon that was level 15… surprisingly got better gear… and yes it will give you the option of CHOOSING your spec this time, and it gave me the option of “do you want to clear your quests or keep them” which was nice since I couldn’t remember what quests I had or hadn’t done on that toon. It definitely upgraded my bags for me. I had ten slot bags. upgraded all four bags to 20 slot bags which was a BOOST for a level 15 toon that I didn’t do much with. I can see the upsides and downfalls. Especially if its on a TRIAL toon, and you have better gear overall initially before doing it… oof. (since no subs and trial toons can’t access mail)

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I had a level 35 alt I hadn’t played since Wrath. I tried it out. That gear was worse than the raid gear she had from back then.

My bars being wiped wasn’t fun. My stuff in my bags needing redone wasn’t fun either. And then I couldn’t run anything, because it’s considered a boost.


some of the lower level stuff didn’t squish well
maybe 10-30?
some of it even became unwearable due to items being squished.
you can be left wearing them, but the level to equip was raised… stats don’t contribute.

the standard UI lets you create presets.
create a layout which suits you on the character you play the most.
save that profile/layout.
import it to the boosted character, most of the boring stuff is already done.

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You seem to be making excuses for this thing left and right. First it’s good for low levels, then it’s only certain low levels. Then it’s only certain slots for low levels…

I can’t keep up with mental gymnastics here to defend something not everyone likes or benefits from.


a sign? its been like this forever.

upside - extra bags for bank. upgrades for slots you dont have heirlooms for or current timewalking vendor doesnt sell, while leveling an alt

heh there’s no gymnastics.
not everyone is going to benefit from it.
that doesn’t mean it’s bad.
if you had a moderately leveled/geared character, you’re not going to get gear which is significantly better than what you had.
something as basic as that isn’t “mental gymnastics”… it’s (un?)common sense.

so bummed out! My Iron Dwarf took the boost for the “you can update your gear” and now the heritage is no longer available to me. TOTALLY stinks
IF this was fixed was it only horde that scored the fix?


yeah well now I stupidly did it and now cannot get the heritage armor