US - SECURITY Arthas H 7/8M Eternal Palace - LF R DPS - Main Raid spot open

bumping this again

bump lf moire

Amazing guild LF the right players to crush content!! Looking for a tank and other highly skilled players!

bump, looking for Brew Tank


Bump and dump.


bump lf a brew tank

bump lf a brew tank

bumping this again


bumping again. we are here to stay. let’s do this

Bumpity bump bby

bumping again. Mythic QC will definitely go down monday. We will be 6/8 Mythic LF a Holy Paladin


bumping again

bump bump stuff

bumping this again

bump lf holy pally/ranged dps

bumping this. <60 pulls on Zaqul and saw <30% already. LF Holy Paladin