[US] [H] [Illidan] <Neet> 11/11N, 2/11H, Raids 5 - 7pm PST Wed/Thu

  • Raid time: Wed / Tue 8 pm EST to 10 pm EST (may add an hour each day in the future or if folks want to stick around during runs)
  • Scattered across US timezones, primarily active from 5 EST to midnight EST.
  • Regularly stocked guild bank with food, flasks, gemstones, and enchants for all members.
  • I’m a pretty cool person and always responsive to suggestions and feedback. Do you like Google Forms? Cause I’m going to send you some Google Forms.

What we’re doing:

  • Organizing existing members and recruiting new members for heroic raiding–I’m casting a wide net here, and working with some guild members who are totally new to raiding. My goal is to get the raids happening and get people having fun first and foremost, things like pushing AotC or Mythics comes later. We have currently been running Normals with PUGs to get people up to speed/build the habit while recruiting. We have an 11/11 N with PUGs but I’d like to get a whole guild run in.
  • We have begun running heroics, and are 2/11 H.
  • Growing our pool of members interested in running keystones of all levels. We do not have structured M+ teams yet or a structured M+ night, things are currently at the spontaneously organized “/g anyone want to run [Key]?” stage and will likely stay that way.

Who we’re recruiting:

  • People active primarily form 5 EST to midnight EST
  • New and skilled players alike. If you’ve never raided before but want to give it a shot, I am more than willing to work with you and help you learn the ropes! I also ask that others be understanding of the fact that some people are still learning.
  • People who aren’t jerks

Roles we need:

  • Raiding: tanks and healers
  • M+: Any roles, but especially tanks and healers


  • We have a Discord, you can post pet pictures there
  • There are PvPers in the guild, depending on activity I may try to coordinate RBG nights


  • Dialectrical#5511 on Discord