US [H] 2 Friends 196 Priest/185 Monk LF M+/CE Guild

What We’re Looking for: A strong community driven guild that focuses on M+ running throughout the week and with a track record of achieving CE each tier. ( Timeline on CE not as important ) A guild that PvPs/Does Arena on the side is a plus.

What we offer: Active and knowledgeable players that are goal driven. Flexible Raiders who are willing to level / develop alts for Progression.
Social and Friendly people who enjoy a good discord discussion / hanging with “the boys”.

Our Experience: Previous CE throughout Legion and CE in Uldir/BoD before giving BFA a Break. Decent Scores with occasional 19s/20s done in previous expansions.

Our Characters: I’m currently playing a monk as Brewmaster / WW. Around ILVL:185. ( Little behind due to playing Classic.
My friend is a Disc priest main that also plays Holy and any other healer class. His ILVL is around 196 with 9/10 Heroic CN completed.

If you have any further questions please contact me on Discord. Woozy#9491

Bumping Please

Bump, still looking

Still looking!

We could use you both 10/10N and 2/10H raid tues/thurs/sunday 7 EST


Hey Yungmi! Would love to chat about bringing both of you on board.
I’ll leave our info below for your consideration.

[The Unnamed] is a 2/10 H 10/10 N guild on Darkspear that has just returned from taking a break during MoP. The guild has existed since the end of BC, and a majority of the core players have raided together for 8+ years. We are currently recruiting for M+ and Heroic raiding and plan to do Mythic raiding when our roster is full. Must be exceptionally good at interrupts.

Raid schedule:

Tuesday - 7pm-11pm (EST)

Thursday - 7pm-11pm (EST)

Sunday - 7pm-11pm (EST)

M+ Pushing will occur on weekends and Mondays. .

We are also considering an optional night for alts / gear catch up and M+ organization.

Recruitment Needs:

We are currently recruiting an off tank, preferably a Prot Paly or guardian druid. We are also looking for rdps, especially a hunter, lock, and a mage. In terms of melee dps, we are only looking for a demon hunter and/or a rogue (must have exceptional logs because we are already melee heavy). At this time, we are recruiting a disc priest and a holy paly for our mythic healer core.

If you’re interested, hit up one of the following people in-game or via Discord:

Shatter - Co-leader and Recruitment (Btag- Shatter#11632 Discord- shatter#4319)

Shatter - Recruitment (Btag- Shatter#11632 Discord- shatter#4319)

Potential recruits will need to take part in a discord interview. Please have logs from current content (If you do not have logs, please be willing to explain your class in-depth in the discord interview).

We hope to hear from you soon!