{US} Firehawk-Proudmoore 2 day Raiding, 5/8 LFM for S2

Welcome to the Guild Nezic!

Heyo these guys are great!

Still looking for our CE team and a Healer for our Mythic Prog

We are still looking for our CE and Mythic prog teams

Still looking for CE and Aotc teams

Still Looking for more!

Need Warlock for CE and Druid (dps), Warrior for Mythic Prog

We are still looking!

CORPSE RUN - Mythic Prog team seeks healers,

Looking for a Lock for the CE team and a Healer for the Prog team!

We are still looking!

What we’re looking for:
DK (Tank/dps)
Paladin (Ret/Holy)
Monk (WW)
Evoker (Aug/pres)
Shaman (Ele/Enh)

What we’re looking for:

DK (Tank/dps)
Paladin (Ret/Holy)
Monk (WW)
Evoker (Aug/pres)
Shaman (Ele/Enh)

Blood dk 624 here. Bucksdk. Currently 7/8. Wpuld be aotc but only progging heroic with guild as we are a close friend group. But i am looking for a mythic raid team

Current Needs

DK (dps)
Paladin (Ret/Holy)
Monk (WW)
Evoker (Aug/pres)
Shaman (Ele/Enh)

DK (dps)
Druid (Boom/Feral)
Shaman (Ele/Enh)

Corpse Run – Mythic Progression
6 hr/wk Raid Schedule:
Tuesday: 9:00PM-12:00PM EST
Wed: 9:00PM-12:00PM EST

What we’re looking for:

DK (dps)
Warrior (Fury/Arms)
Shaman (Ele/Enh)

DK (dps)
Warrior (Fury/Arms)
Shaman (Ele/Enh)
Healer, Full on Shamans and Priests

Season two is on the way! Come join a great team of players who are hungry for CE

7% Brood (DIES TODAY)