Ursin Alliance Reconnections

Night elf hunter

…Has been killed by Greifer quite a few times

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Greifer…damm lol

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Romorc, dwarf warrior
Blood Bath and Beyond
Liquidflames and I forgot a lot of other people’s names, I was on and off, but played a lot during BC and WOTK expansions

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Balosako, NE Warrior
Sestria, NE Warrior
Different Guilds, Some PVE, Mainly PVP.

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Alliance: Night Elf Hunter
Guild : Inebriated , Hand of Honor, Space boots inc

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I was in this guild long long time ago, nelf hunter

what server?

Faithlezor vs Lawnornament… I was there.

I was in your guild too. My name was Gidger, gnome warlock.

Know what server you’re going on?

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NE Priest
Guilds: Desire / Tenebris / Sihaya

Trying to find anyone from the Sihaya days. I think the guild/raid leader was named Crimsonfate. I forget who ran the DKP tracker but she had a hell of a job and was awesome! I’m most proud/want to relive the AQ 40 days when we downed Twin Emps to rise to like, Alliance server #3 or something after forming a few weeks prior. Who was the warlock who tanked one of the Emps that I personally healed? :smile:


What up Wailea , Definitely familiar name there. Our main tank was Rtulian (R2) in Sihaya I think he also raid led was a robot without emotion. Thyla I think was the name of the person who did the DKP tracker and was our feral druid tank for BWL, AQ bugs etc. I do not however remember many caster names pretty much just remember the people from my mele group.

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What server you playing when classic launches?

I rolled Whitemane Horde.

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Human Warlock
Guild: Tenebris

Names: Bayoya, Elvia, Rily, Hotpriest, Mindless
Guild: Seraphin

Contact me Noob: CAS lololo

Kamireyn - Pally
Alanton - Warrior

The Oasis Contingent, Homegirls


Lyriana- Night Elf Priest
Hana- Human Mage


Homegirls has about 25 people rolling on Pagel, alliance side.

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What servers are people going to?

Alkniir - NE Hunter
Alknor - human mage

Vanilla Guilds - The Hand of Honor, Dynasty, Risen, Priory, Tenebris

BC Guilds - Void (as Asklepius - Human Priest), Another Late Night, Bloodbath and Beyond

Gotta say, it’s pretty awesome seeing old familiar names, even the ones you almost recognize.

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Bizaro- Hunter

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Do you by chance remember a NE Hunter named Faelin?