Ursin Alliance Reconnections

Rygmar! Its zerocool - whats up buddy!? Just took a look at classic wow, going to see if squak wants to play. Lets get in touch, BNET: Amnesiac#1825

Wow… what a throw back…

Boongnizzle : NE Druid
BBB and Tenebris.

Ayyyyyyyy! Hey Boon! :smiley:


Hey there :smiley:

What’s up Gazzy and Dolmayan. I remember you guys from back in the day. I was Vastatio the Human Warlock! How’s everyone been? Tell Airrow I said hello! I’m still playing with Cheeser and Defeor many years later.

Squishy and Faith… I’m almost positive we used to play together at some point. Your names jumped out at me. I was Vastatio a Human Lock. Did a lot of pvp back vanilla.


Do you remember a mage named Voseph?

Guild master of < Void >, of course I remember :). We had a very quick rise in progression, and a very very slow fall :(. It was around that time that I made my first Horde toon, and have pretty much been Horde ever since.

Bluesilver here! I’m playing alliance rogue (of course) on Incendius.
Took the old guild name as an homage :slight_smile:

I actually tracked down the video of The Fremen Maneuver to show to my current guildmates.

If you’re ever on Incendius hmu.

Ah I remember you! Good to see you’re playing again. Great mage :slight_smile:

Well boys, what’s the verdict on progressing in your servers?

I was not a fan of que times on Whitemane so I joined up with my long time dueling partner BigFatJerk on Kirinnaxx.

Soberdee is semi geared out. 4/8 T1 with T2 helm, ony neck, Domo bracers, Rhok/Lhok, Devilsaur gloves/legs, Tarnished rings and bis trinkets.

Who else is kicking keisters?

Oh look, you have the option of selecting your classic char up in the corner now. Lol

Lycra here, I used to be in ELVN as well back in the day!

Hay man little kerby here I’m on Fairbanks too my main is Mushroomman

Hello mang little kerby here!!!

Dagani??? :frowning:

i remember you! <- dagani

Hey JPete, I remember you had the frost saber mount from winterspring. We killed horde together a few times and other such fun!

Feliz, I remember you from my guild

Anyone still around, perhaps on TBC servers even?

  • Character - licwid (Human Mage)
  • Guild - Resurrection… a few before that, but I forgot the names. One with crazy lawnornament as GM
  • I did PvE mostly. Started later in Vanilla