Urgent Care, Kelsey Steelspark is missing

Got a character there who has unlocked Mechagon, and one who hasn’t (aforementioned Night Elf).
Will report if I’m able when she’s back up and if either circumstance matters. Hopefully tonight. :c

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As far as my situation is concerned, I have the quest Urgent Care, I’m 7800/12000 through honored with Mechagon and I’ve done all of the story achievement on my night elf hunter except do the instance. I’ve done everything in Mechagon almost except the perfectly timed differential on my horde paladin. I don’t think my rep should have anything to do with being able to see Kelsey… It’s a pickle.

No Kelsey. Flag in the room refused to accept that I’ve done the dungeon all day, now Kelsey isn’t existing. My Alliance character has Exalted, done the whole questline, etc.

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@ Kai

Well then that relieves me that it has nothing to do with my hunter’s personal rep. I guess it’s just broken and we gotta wait til Blizz does something about it.

Yeah. But yikes, the requirement quest was broken all day, then finally fixed… only for things to break again right from the start. First world problems, but still feels crappy. :confused: I had a mission but it’s time for bed.

I know. Megs Dreadshredder killed her and ran away with our mechagnome unlock quest :open_mouth:

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Sad to see there no offical Blue post to let it be notice aware of this, Still no sign of hot fix of fixing this, I now try a 4th char, Still no luck on him

I would love to work on mechagnome but I guess fox will just do.

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I just don’t see why no one is seeing or recognizing this


Sadly My guess it late, at there and Every one that working Clock out as leaving sever on over night.

Have “Urgent Care” and I’ve done the introduction. Question mark on my map but no Kelsey.

Welcome to the stuck crew.

If Blizz would at least acknowledge that there is a problem, this wouldn’t be so agonizing D: It seems to me that it’s bugged to where only the people doing “Urgent Care” on their mains that they got the achieve on are able to see Kelsey :frowning:

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I got the issue too even abandoned the quest and picked it up again still nothing.

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Same here!

I depart for the night, but leave this bump for now. Hopefully, this’ll be fixed in the morning. I want my Mechabois, dangit.


Literally the first thing I attempted to do in 8.3 and it’s bugged. What a let down :frowning:


It looks like you can see her by the fountain by being on the toon that is exalted with the rustbolt. I wanted to do the mission on an alt and even accepted the quest with an alt, but I could not physically see her by the fountain. Hope this helps some.

My exaulted toon is horde side haha. so it doesn’t help

Just checked; having the same problem still.

My Horde main did all the quests to qualify and is exalted. My alliance main has unlocked mechagon and gets the quest…and there’s no Kelsey. Very frustrating.

I need to call it a Night, I was hoping sooner or later Blue post will notice or have word of hot fix, Here hope they fix this tomorrow, But please Keep report coming So that we have this fix