Upright Male Orcs

Upright male orcs in WoW don’t look anything like they did in the RTS games. Please just redo the model from scratch.

Totally thought this thread was about uptight orcs and I was like, idk being angry is kind of their thing.


You’re right, these things have more than 5 pixels. Unacceptable.

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They way they stand and move is awful. All they did was make small modifications to the normal model and then patted themselves on the back.

I dunno about you but I sure wouldn’t want to look like that :rofl:

Only thing that really, really bothers me about them is that they all have that skewed one-foot-forward stance that Thrall has.

Like, they couldn’t just take the regular hunched model and make it stand upright. It really bothers me.

Hunched orc 4 lyfe

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