Upright Forsaken Models - Overdue Character Customization ✓

Since, as I understand it, it was made canon that Sylvanas was somehow raising/creating new Forsaken(I think? correct me if I am wrong), I’d like to see Undead players be able to use any Original WoW race as a base. Undead Elves, Undead Tauren, Undead Orcs, Undead Dwarves, go wild with it.

Just say that they were raised by Sylvanas’ Vrykul during the Fourth War. or whatever.

They only play it enough to see the jokes the devs make at management’s expense apparently.


I wouldn’t mind it. I don’t often play undead but if I ever do I’d prefer it without the hunch.

I mean they already got rid of the ridiculous non-anatomical looking bones, so this is the next logical step.


I’d love this!!!


Please Blizzard fix our spines


The models are already in game, just flip that switch Blizzard. Realistically this should have been done like 4 years ago when we started calling for this.


What about the animations? You would assume the same but they would begin at different points.

That is a good point. To be fair to Blizzard there probably would be some work involved, probably the same level as the Orcs when they got the upright option. But at least some of the work has been done, so I think there’s hope.


Waiting for vacation to begin
Taking a break is a win
Hope you all go forth
And enjoy the fourth
While we ask for straight backs again.

Hope everyone enjoys their holidays and congregate in the “Church of BBQ”.

Be safe and come back to WOW … after the hangover :stuck_out_tongue:


Still holding out hope.


blizz pls - lore-friendly reasons for Forsaken characters to the use undead-human appearances major undead NPCs use are there! Atleast put the resources into altering the current undead models to straighten out their posture. It would be a fantastic addition to the patch that introduces Forsaken heritage armor whenever yall get around to that.


I heard some customizations are coming for the Mag’har Orcs…hm, Blizz! Is it our turn yet?


Honestly at this point I would sooner believe they are going to remove forsaken characters all together after seeing them wipe years of customizations from me today.

What happened?

I can’t remember if I signed this or not. But, yeah!

Upright Forsaken!

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Also, they STILL haven’t fixed female Undead toes when using the hidden bone options.

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On a legit happy note, we finally got the Scourge tabard! I am honestly so happy about that. We have been asking for that tabard for 15+ years, and it looks -great-.

no. i like mine hunched and nasty.

if you want upright and pretty go play a live human.

As you post on your BeLF.

We want a toggle, upright and hunched as options.


my long standing main is an undead warlock. my main last expac was an undead warrior. my main before that was an undead DK.

I like 'em hunched.

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