I don’t think this is correct? I could be totally be wrong, I admit. It’s definitely true for people who don’t currently have paid time on their sub, but I think it’s always been the case that changing your sub means you’ll be billed when your current time runs out.
I could totally be wrong though. Not like I’d be surprised if Blizz decided to be shady and charged me now for something that won’t start until March, in my case.
I agree. I suspect they do it for some sort of statistics they value. To me it does not matter. Pay a year of game time with cards, tokens, whatever - get rewards. Do it with a sub get rewards a lot cheaper.
The only exception I sort of see is if they had a major fraud issue with Dreadwake that was not public and that is why they have not allowed it again.
Same, as I’m still going to buy month to month with WoW Tokens regardless. I liked the Dreadwake because it encouraged me to buy it all at once instead of month to month.
But I still wanna know if these mounts will be made separately. Cause that beetle is amazing.
And to be frank, I’ll be severely disappointed in Blizzard if they essentially paywall 2 mounts behind a $150 upfront fee.
This is what I am hoping for…I am not really playing WotLK Classic to care for the other stuff…and personally I have been subbed since 2004…don’t really feel like dropping a Lump Sum of $155 when I got bills, kids and Xmas shopping and Thanksgiving feasting to pay for…its kind of a horrible time to do this but its Blizz…
The very first recurring sub package they brought out years back you could use your bnet balance cause I did …then the next one they said no you can’t which upset me cause I had over 200 dollars on mine and I couldn’t use it …I use to pay monthly for my sub cause it was all I could afford back then due to my budget…
I have never understood why they are not allowing use to use BNet Balance or Tokens… They technically make MORE money off of tokens ($20 to buy one to sell for gold) than they do any other method…
I have to agree with others, that this makes me worried Dragon Flight is going to suck and you are trying to lock us in. Your track record hasn’t been exactly great lately Blizzard.
Even though I will likely play for the entire expanse, I don’t like commuting to it. The mounts would only go towards helping me to the next collection achievement, I would never use them. If the Wrath stuff was also included in retail I could be tempted, but oh well.