Updates coming with the Pre-Patch



it was bold of me to think thered be a release date.

Bold, and foolish


seriously this couldnt come with a release date

come on!!!

oh well. the most important part of shadowlands is held within, so buckles in



I’d imagine that they wouldn’t just give a 24hr notice that the pvp season was ending so I doubt it’ll be tomorrow. If I recall correctly, they usually give a 2 week notice when it’s the season ending for the final season of an xpac. So my guess would be that the prepatch will go live on the 6th, but I’m crossing my fingers for the 29th. They typically give 4 weeks minimum of prepatch before the xpac goes live so that fits.

I do want to say that in the past three expansions, there were three weeks of pre-patch event content (Legion Invasions, War of Thorns, Iron Horde Invasion). Prior to that, the length of actual event content and the pre-patch as a whole varied wildly. However this time around I believe there are only two definitive weeks of actual scourge invasion event content (correct me if I’m wrong). I’d say it’s a safe bet to say that the 6th is most likely the date they launch the pre-patch, with the scourge invasion beginning in earnest on the 13th.

Nevertheless, I’m still hoping that it comes out on the 29th because gimme dat Shadowlands now I’m sick of the BfA login screen.

I thought the Legion prepatch was almost 5 weeks?

I’m not sure, but it did feel really long. I got so tired of the invasions.

Hot take, the new customization, leveling experience, and class updates comes tomorrow for players to mess around with on live. HOWEVER, the actual pre-patch stuff for Shadowlands story-wise isn’t released until September 29th or October 6th.


I REALLY hope so Dardillien

If that is all the sudden the case… I will be the happiest camper around.

I have heard some people say the recent patch we received in the launcher was a background one that was like 20 GBs, not sure at all if this is true, but if it is that could mean we are getting the stuff I said first. Maybe? I hope so.

I just want my golden tiara as soon as physically possible.

Didn’t want to make another thread but…

For y’all that don’t venture to General Discussion. I don’t really care personally, but some of you might, so there it is.

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I would have preferred that they change bonus rolls so that they give me items and stop giving me tiny amounts of useless currencies I don’t want. But I suppose not having them at all is the next best thing for me personally, since I’ve stopped using them anyway because of how infuriating it was to get things like Wakening Essences instead of the transmog I was looking for.

I have little perspective on how this affects the getting of gear for purposes other than transmog, so I can’t speak to that.

The logic is sound, honestly. The way the Great Vault works is going to make bonus rolls somewhat obsolete anyway, giving to a choice of gear based on the content you delve into the most, guarenteed. Whereas, the way things have been with the coins for the past few years, you could have all of them give you a whole lot of nothing.

So it addresses the loot chest incentive with running weekly content (that being, the loot you got was typically not always worth the hassle because you got 1 pre-determined piece of loot off of a massive table, and now you get a choice) as well as the need for the tokens (bad luck on boss loot drops/your group’s loot roles) by adding in that guaranteed element of loot. Choice loot.

So really, I can’t see this as a massive loss. Also it means the end of “Oh shoot, don’t pull yet, guys! I need to grab tokens, I forgot!”

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The PTR has been updated with the new 1-50 SL content. Can’t do new zones or covenants or anything, but you can check out the new leveling experience and character options.

Serph can finally hide his bones.

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If this gets us closer to gear being deterministic instead of random then I ain’t complaining. Legion and BFA have been my least favorite gear obtaining expansions and they seriously took wind out of my sails in motivation.


I thought this was already on PTR I have been messing with the customization stuff for like a few weeks now as well as trying out Exile’s Reach.

Either way what are the odds Blizzard just goes, “Oh by the way prepatch is next week” LOL

Prepatch will probably drop the 6th of October since I doubt Blizzard is willing to change class stuff mid PvP season, they’ve always done new expansion stuff after a season ends otherwise it’s chaos and rankings become meaningless the last two weeks of the PvP season.

PvPers already feel spurned enough, I don’t think Blizzard wants to piss out the fires that would cause. But then again, this is Blizzard we’re talking about.

I’m not entirely sure what all was added or changed, but it was updated to an official Release Candidate build, so whatever changes they needed to make from Beta are probably baked in at this point.

I’m liking it so far. New character customization is cool. I’m a bit disappointed in the human options, though. new skin tones are nice, but they really lack a lot of the accessories and new hairs that the others got. Goblin changes are really nice, though, as are Night Elves. It’s nice my goblin won’t have certain piercings tied to a certain face anymore. It might actually make me main Aff Lock again

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