[Updated - Ticket Response] Gnome engineer -> goblin -> gnome

thanks to blizz adding some achieves (and me being a completionist idiot :P)…i now have to get that engineering portal achieve…

i see a bunch of info on how to switch…not a lot of info on what it actually means…

if i switch do i stay at lvl 300?

if i switch back after i get the items i need what does that mean for my gnome engineering recipies? do i keep or do i have to relearn everything?


So i put in a ticket and got a response…the relevant portion:

Having said that, I took a look here, and you can unlearn your current specialization by speaking with your faction’s engineering trainer: Lilliam Sparkspindle (Alliance).

After selecting the gossip option to unlearn the specialization, you will be able to accept a new quest to learn either Gnomish Engineering or Goblin Engineering.

You won’t lose the level, but you will lose all the related learned recipes. They are still stored in your character’s engineering data, and they are all automatically restored if you re-learn the specialization.

More information can be found here:

not really sure why a GM has provide answers from wowhead…but there it is i guess

update 2 - i have gone through process and can confirm that i still have all my old recipies

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if its toys its gnome or goblin only
if i recall back in that day you could drop the one and get the other with a quest but keep the 300 skill lvl

this is 6yrs old might still apply

edit would test this out on the ptr incase something happend

I think I remember the profession trainers having had an item added to them that you can buy to relearn what you knew on a profession that you dropped and later picked back up.

But I don’t recall if that worked on a specialization within a profession, like with gnomish and goblin engineering. May want to talk to an engineering trainer to see if they have those items still.

/moo :cow:

its was only for legion if i recall

Found this support article, but it doesn’t say Legion specific.

And another thread of those who’ve done it seems on point:

I would definitely read that forum thread of the experiences of those who’ve done it, lots of lessons to be learned there, it looks like.

If I were you, OP, I’d do what I did: have two toons, one with gnomish engineering and another with goblin engineering. Should be able to cover all the bases that way for an achievement.

/moo :cow:

talking about this
forgotten Tomes of the Broken Isles lets you relean the rank 3 stuff you forgot
the basic professions need to be re found again

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yeah theres one reply in there that says you keep them…but im not sure how much faith i have in a random 6 year old response

i know thats why i said do it on the ptr and see

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i put in a ticket…gonna wait to see if its helpful or not