Update to Glyph of Shadow

Now that Shadowlands is coming and we are getting a lot more customizing in our characters models. I think its about time to have the Glyph of Shadow reduce the shadow effect on our characters even more. It would be nice to be shadow form for quests and raids and still see our transmog gear or custom features with our character models. If people still want the dark glow then let them not use the glyph but if you want to see your character with maybe a light glow around them rather then a whole black cut out of yourself. Wanted to see what others thought on here! Thanks


Or just give us the old one that looked bad Arsen


Would love to see more glyphs in general imo just add another one. There is no need to remove one, whats the harm I mean have you seen how many mages have for their water elementals.


I agree, perhaps something like Glyph of Stars for balance druid that would simply add a bit of a tint but leave the appearance mostly intact.

Shadowform needs:

  • A glyph to make it just a slight outlined effect, making the xmog very visible
  • A glyph to make it like pre-WoD, when Shadowform was just your character completely darkened and slightly transparent (my fav)
  • A glyph to make it very void-y, with the tentacle animation

This please.

Barbershop options like druid animal forms works too

Honestly I just want more glyphs in general ones all specs could enjoy

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We’ve been asking for this since the new shadow form was added.

Apparently Blizzard will redesign our spec from the ground up before letting us hide shadowform

Seriously Blizzard, it’s one freaking glyph. Just do it already


What is the reason visuals cant be changed with add-ons? I obviously don’t know the technicals of how that works. But, if it were possible to have all of our spell visuals overhauled with add-ons wouldn’t that lighten the demand on blizzard from every class? And the only limits to that would be how creative the community is

It would technically be modifying the game’s files outside of what blizzard allows with the UI which technically isn’t modifying files as much as it is adding an additional layer.

It’s best to press Blizz to make changes rather than letting the community do their job for them. The old Shadowform was much, much better. No nostalgia about it, either. It just looks better.

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