Update on the Battle for Ashenvale and Layers - 12/14/2023

If Blizzard insists the event should be this rare, we need permanent PvP “magnet” objectives in between events. Something that draws both Horde and Alliance towards the same handful of areas in Ashenvale so that PvP can more reliably be found between events. Maybe that could help offset the longer grind required, even, by concentrating players and generating more HKs.

not to bad well see how it goes

No and then!

Did you even read my posts? Reading comprehension is your friend.

Just because it’s happening in the world, doesn’t make it a good representation of the essence of what people (at least myself anyways) enjoy about world pvp.

You can’t just slap AV in the middle of a zone and expect that to be functional game design. It didn’t work for Wintergrasp, that event was trash. It didn’t work for Ashran, that event was trash. It isn’t a good concept. Heck, AV in it’s current state is trash, cause it’s not even about PvP it’s about racing to the end and grinding honor/rep.
Nobody does it cause it’s fun. People do it to get their level 60 purple weap and the mount.

You know what was really fun world PvP? Ashenvale without any events. Stranglethorn is super fun. Un Goro… Tanaris… pretty much all of the heavy traffic contested zones are freaking awesome.

Heck – The Timeless Isles was a better world PvP experience than any of these ‘events’ cause you could kill your own faction. The gurubashi arena is a better world PvP event.

World PvP isn’t about joining a raid and sweeping the land like some kind of mongolian horde to rid the world of the other faction. All that does is make them not want to play anymore. The game servers can’t even handle all the inputs. It’s literally a laggy train wreck when too many people are fighting. You can’t even tell what is going on. There isn’t even any real pvp going on. It’s just a swathe of ranged attacks hoping to catch someone out of position so they die until someone at the 7th grade dance party works up the balls to be the first wave of casualties and the raids clash – which again… is so laggy that there is like a 10 second delay from when you push a button and then teleport somewhere else cause you’ve been fist of the north star’d for 9 seconds and you’re already dead.

It’s not fun, even when you’re winning it isn’t fun. The only time those raids are actually enjoyable is when there is some kind of personal beef involved, that can’t be established simply by starting some event. These things start small and then grow into big guild wars – and then they’re kinda cool cause there are some stakes involved – reputations on the line.

Big world pvp raids are the kinda thing that look neat on a stream or in a commercial but they actively suck to fight in… and incentivizing people to do it in a game that a.) can’t handle it and b.) isn’t balanced for it makes absolutely no sense imo. Especially at the cost of ruining one of the better world pvp zones that would normally be tons of fun but isn’t because of the event.

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This is one of the worst events in WoW’s history…

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The fact you can’t do it, is worse than all the bugs combined.


The solution in my opinion is leave the old layer system and just force layer anybody not in a raid or group to a more empty layer. There was always tons of people AFK in town and that could easily help the layer not crash and support more people, as well as people questing or pve’ing not worried about the event.

It’s alliance. I can’t even make alliance on any of the PvP servers. On my server there was only one layer that was winning on Horde every time. And we lost last night lol

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Trust me, I know as a horde player in SoD. I’m 100% sure this video was made because Aggrend confused his foot for a sandwich on Twitter when he said Horde was just bad at organizing. That’s why they put in total PvP kills in Ashenvale, but no win ratios or actual attendance numbers. I also don’t think they realized that a larger Alliance population would result in more Alliance deaths in PvP just because there are a LOT more Alliance players. I mean if you have a bowl of trail mix, people are going to eat more peanuts than M&Ms.

Normally I’d be able to get one done, maybe two, while putzing around before work. Logged in and zoned in to see the progress bar at 2% and 1%. Just missed it and got nothing.

Came back after work and the progress is only a little over half for both sides… and from what I’ve seen that means any fight is several hours out.

Logged out for a bit and went back in about 30 minutes later and now the progress bar is at 26% and 22%…

People will be lucky if the event spawn and their online time aligns once every few days. :rofl:

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This guy/gal gets it. Glad I’m not the only one.

Nothing that they have developed is “for” PvP, it is for grinding rep/honour. And it is failing even at that now after the fixes. It’s just such a shame because the potential is so great and it’s being squandered time and time again.

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But why? this kind of closes the door for people that didn’t get the rep yet, or are leveling an alt, etc. I saw only 1 battle tonight. it was not anymore epic than what I used to see.


Another thing I’ve noticed is I get no waylaid supplies from mobs in Ashenvale. Maybe buff the amount they drop in Ashenvale to entice us to stay in the zone and maybe that will trigger spontaneous pvp

Yeah, eventless PvP is great, but imagine if every hour an event spawned that was just tickets. Maybe some rares spawn and drop some extra rep or zonewide buffs if killed, but the event lasts and hour and it’s just a war. No stupid points to try to zerg down fast, no stupid flags to capture. Just straight up 100v100 back and forth war.

Greetings, fellow adventurers of Azeroth,

As a long-time player and software engineer myself, I’ve crafted a technical proposal (draft) specifically aimed at tackling the main issue at hand:

Being (re)moved from your current layer in times that cause player grief.

My proposal, while technical, is designed with clarity and practicality in mind, focusing directly on enhancing our gameplay by addressing this key challenge. I’m eager to share these ideas and hear your input, as we work together to make our adventures in Azeroth even more seamless and enjoyable.

So with introductions out of the way… I present to you my proposal:

Feature Overview

Feature Name:

  • Dynamic Layer Management ‘inActivity’ Flag


  • Boolean Flag (True/False)


  • To identify players actively engaged in significant in-game activities (e.g., Ashenvale battle, world PvP, gathering) to prevent disruption during layer transitions.
  • To aid in managing overall server layer utilization and to efficiently handle layer deallocation processes.

Implementation Details

Flag Integration:

  • Integrate the ‘inActivity’ flag into the character data model in the backend database.
  • The flag is set to ‘True’ when a character engages in specific activities.

Layer Manager Interaction:

  • Modify the layer manager system to recognize the ‘inActivity’ status of characters.
  • Prioritize the transition of players with the flag set to ‘False’ during layer retirement phases and high-utilization scenarios.

Group Handling:

  • Assess the ‘inActivity’ status of all members in a player group.
  • Allow layer transition only if all group members have the flag set to ‘False’ and are out of combat.

Layer Utilization Management:

  • Implement clear utilization thresholds to guide the layer manager in starting the process of player movement.
  • Utilize the flag to assess player engagement levels across various server layers.

Layer Deallocation and Spinning Down Strategy:

  • Initiate layer deallocation when utilization drops below a defined threshold.
  • Gradually move players to more populated layers.
  • Define specific thresholds for when the layer manager should begin moving players.

Critical Utilization Handling:

  • Initiate a server-wide notification process when a layer reaches critical utilization.
  • Implement an automated apology message system for forced moves due to critical utilization.
  • Begin transitioning players from critically utilized layers to less populated layers.

Technical Constraints and Considerations

  • Database Impact: Ensure minimal impact on database performance with the addition of the ‘inActivity’ flag.
  • Legacy Code Compatibility: Changes must align with existing code structures.
  • Performance Optimization: Monitor to avoid significant overhead or degradation, especially during peak loads.
  • Communication Overhead: Use server messages sparingly to avoid player disruption.
  • Performance Monitoring: Closely watch layer utilization and performance.
  • User Experience: Balance technical efficiency with a focus on maintaining player immersion and continuity.

The implementation of the ‘inActivity’ flag, combined with strategic layer management and utilization thresholds, represents a holistic approach to improving server performance and enhancing the player experience in World of Warcraft Classic. This approach is designed to be adaptive and responsive, ensuring compatibility with the game’s legacy architecture and the diverse needs of its community.

It’s important to note that this proposal is a high-level rough draft, intended as a starting point for a more refined solution. My goal is to address the most significant pain points with the current layering system. This draft lays the groundwork for a solution that I believe would greatly enhance how we interact with Azeroth’s many layers, making our gaming experiences smoother and more immersive, all the time. I look forward to collaborating with the community and the development team to refine these ideas further.

TLDR: The proposal introduces the ‘inActivity’ flag, a Boolean indicator, to identify players engaged in key activities and manage layer transitions and server utilization more effectively. This flag will help prevent players from being moved from their current layer at inconvenient times, enhancing overall gameplay experience. The plan involves integrating this flag into the game’s backend, adjusting layer management according to player activity, and handling layer deallocation efficiently. The proposal is in draft form and aims to address significant issues with the current layering system, seeking community and developer input for further refinement.

PS: I did not address or mention that systems and areas across the game would need to be analyzed and identified if it is considered an activity and would require some logic updates to populate the new flag on the character data model. Also, the combat flag could be deprecated and the ‘inActivity’ flag could be utilized when entering and leaving combat instead. Lots of ways to refine this proposal.


Let’s build on that idea a bit. Picture this: a PvP event map where objectives for each faction emerge based on the current contribution system, like they do today, but the objectives that spawn are random. When both factions hit that sweet 100% on the contribution counter, that’s when the magic happens – objectives start popping up from a pre-set list. It could play out as a random base spawn for each faction, coupled with main bosses that stay put (or pats), adding a strategic layer to the mix. Although, it could be no objectives, and one faction just needs to defend their main town in the map until either A) timer runs out B) so many enemy faction members have been killed. The key here is randomness to create unique battle experiences.

To really spice things up and encourage those epic, large-scale battles, let’s introduce a reward system where 1 Honor Kill (HK) equals 1 reputation point. This direct link between combat action and rewards could really fuel the intensity of attack and defense scenarios, pushing players to dive headfirst into the fray.

It’s all about bringing that high-stakes, strategic excitement to each confrontation, making sure players are fully engaged and every battle feels significant. The PvE element helps direct the flow of confrontation, creating the opportunity for unique experiences from battle to battle.

How about no

Went out to desolace again today… up until the last day or two it was pretty hard to layer hop around out there. Today I ran into another farmer and was immediately able to just hop to an empty layer.

Surely having this many layers up at all times wont cause the price of materials to crash through the floor, disincentivizing farming for everyone except botters, and leaving going to gdkps as a carry as the best option to make quickly make gold.

It’s like you see blood in the water and you can’t help yourselves lol. You guys 100% don’t deserve this level of communication

Ashenvale went from constant pvp all day and good rep during a boring “pvp” (pve) event every hour to completely empty and 1-2 events during an entire day. I would take the broken event popping every hour or two over whatever this world pvp killing “fix” is. Please revert these changes for the love of god.


I agree with this, I was having a lot of fun. There was an evolving strategy war taking place on crusader strike between horde and alliance. The high frequency of battles kept people in the zone all the time too, now it’s dead.