Upcoming Tank Tuning - March 30

That particular example is also comp-related. If you are not running a comp with a taunt to give your tank a break(or your tank isn’t a paladin), then its much harder. Example of classes who cannot help you with tenderize if they are dps without losing damage and delaying:
*Warrior(sort of, they can taunt+die by the sword but its a 3 mins cd, Unless you are taking long to kill the trash, you will need to kite or possibly wait in a few cases).
*DH havoc.

That’s why i started to avoid some specs in M+ when i need to pug( a lot of the time, mostly). It’s because they don’t help much and in some cases are just underwhelming. Holy priest is kind of a odd example, i do have great runs with holy priest but they lag behind healer shamans as a whole, or holy paladins(not always, just from what i see). Speaking of those, my experience with holy paladins just aren’t great in general most of the time, not sure if its a spec issue or a l2play one (Frankly, i lean towards the later, but i do know holy has some weakness on M+). It comes off as them being good at tank healing but being bad when group healing is involved, which actually caused issues in several dungeons.

Get rekt VDH.


Do yourself a massive favor - pick up engineering and get the cata target dummy on your belt. It basically gives you 2 seconds every 5 minutes to reset things or get away. Alternatively you can go venthyr and portal away when the stacks get to around 8 seconds remaining, you should be able to put enough distance with good placement to reset.

Alternatively, run with a holy priest. Holy priest is your best friend. Guardian spirit makes your death strike full heals and as long as it doesn’t one shot you, you’re golden.

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Of your list, all but Rogue and Mage have very applicable utility, as each has a taunt and a defensive sufficient to take a single Tenderize (if, for some reason, they can’t just get distance).

~90-second CD unless they’re forced to take the Rallying Shout conduit instead, in which case it’s a whole… 2 minutes.

Not exactly utility for tank, but they do have merits for the group. Priests on bursting weeks are good and while mistweaker monk is weak, its also pretty good on bursting when you need mass pulls(the blobs before 1st boss of PF comes to mind). Also ww monk is a pretty strong spec for the melee group, prob almost on par with UH dk , but its not really saying much. This particular season feels pretty crappy for melee specs as a whole, most of the meta specs that deals the best damage being RDPS doesn’t help matters.

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Double checked and you are indeed correct. Guess i just haven’t really done many keys with warriors, which given their position in the dps meta is kind of a given.


those three have a taunt and the ability to kite. they absolutely can help drop tenderize stacks.

run away, taunt, run more, tank taunts back when stacks drop (or the mob is far enough away, stacks will drop by the time it gets back)

if they have a brain bigger than a potato, the mob won’t even hit them.


Issue is that you lose dps and it takes longer to die, but with that said, i do often run into issues where they just die so it doesn’t really help. I count cases where they can help without kiting and thus no dps lost, like druid trees or shaman’s earth elemental to name a few.

Give all druid specs trees. holds out hand to blizzard: please, blizzard, for the children.


that’s fair, and you’re not wrong, it’s better to use something like trees or earth ele, rather than lose dps by having a dps taunt it away.

but you do what you have to do to drop the stacks with the classes available to you :woman_shrugging:


I’d settle for the ability to have ursol’s and vortex at the same time

still so mad about that.


They took our improvised mass grip away from us, Annastasi! Why did they have to kill the fun.

Took them finding a massive oversight for VDH in order to actually tune the other tanks?

Why am I not shocked?

Feels kind of lazy overall though, no other specific tuning, just 10% mitigation. You get a mitigation, and you get a mitigation, and you get a mitigation.

Wonder if this means Druid will now move to the top of the pile for tanks.

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They are getting 5%, and are wildly outpopulating all other tanks, so what’s the problem here?


I do. That’s how i know this is bunk.

The “problem” if it were one, is that DH is not “outpopulating all other tanks” because of their defense.
Frankly, Blood DK might need a 10 percent damage reduction, but few other tanks do.

Very few are picking Vengeance for its ability to stand and reduce damage right now.

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And this is when prot paladin became the most broken healer in pvp

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this guy knows

not sure why most others dont understand this

yeah, or the rare times where your only choice is run around like a headless chicken. Not a fan of this expac’s design as a whole, i tanked during BFA and i didn’t run into situations to kite this often. It was very rare to require kiting in fact.

Another grip i have with this expac design is that it also serves as a example of why nerfing tank aggro this much was wrong. I understand devs don’t want tanks to be able to hold aggro by sneezing, but its still way too extreme with how blood dks (and other specs, to varying degrees) can lose aggro if a dps decides to burst trash down and you don’t run hunter or rogue to misdirect. Its almost like they applied a permanent skittish affix to everything and its simply not fun.