Upcoming PvP Tuning Changes -- June 9th

Perhaps. I would have liked to have known before I farmed and spent the echoes that my choice was between 12% haste/mastery/crit or 8% versatility being billed as 12%.


They always seem reluctant to make any real class balance changes, usually due to some future patch or exp coming and so they don’t want the code of live effecting whatever future content is coming. Even then they barely get to the root with any issues with these hot fixes/exp/patches and it’s more or less the same thing or even gets worse with whatever new class features they decide to add.

Then blizzard just leaves it at that, with classes going long periods of time becoming more and more imbalanced and feeling so far off from each other that going from one class to the foty classes feels like playing a completely different game. A real lack of any innovated ideas and efforts despite the same thing happening every expansion.

I’m not sure if it’s a fix for the hotfix?

Yep, literally quit bfa and went to classic because hunter was thrown in the garbage, bm and mm are bottom feeders to middle feeder depending on effort, and survival is meele, if I wanted to be meele I woudnt have rolled hunter, thanks blizz.

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DH QQing about another class? priceless

Don’t worry bby. I am open to dropping some QQ about DH’s too if it moistens thy undergarments.

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A few players are reporting that the nerf to Conflict and Strife didn’t go live with the weekly maintenance.

Are you dumb? This is a VERY BIG NERF to warlocks. Warlocks doesn’t stun to kill and now all other classes can stun warlocks and have easy kills.

I see some people complaining about warlocks about being tank. If you don’t want warlocks to be a little tank, they should have mobility like mages…

Or perhaps you just want a class to be stunned and easy to kill?

Lol dude… Most warlocks are running vision major. You also missed the part where c/s now properly affects stuns it wasn’t affecting before. If anything you’re going to be as or more tanky.

Naw we just don’t want them to have infinite cc, infinite damage, infinite tankiness due to said damage lol… Warlocks are busted good man, stop pretending you’re hard done by.

Don’t forget this is the BG forums, more importantly the random BG forums… destro here are different than those who push rated arena.

They are busted in every kind of PvP.

.5 sec CB’s ?.. they hurt everywhere.

In fact OP specs shine even more in random BG’s because the average player does not know how to interrupt or CC .

The average player also isn’t decked out in max corruptions. Arena and rated Bgs are a whole different game than random Bgs.

Seeing a lot of highly geared players in randoms …with corruptions stacked up the Wazoo.

Edit:- Atleast 20-30 percent in almost every BG are more geared than me and I am the average heroic / CQ geared player .

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Eh, haven’t seen that many geared. In rated Bgs I have seen people way more geared than you and I.

Maybe it depends on the time we play … I am
playing prime time NA and I am telling you , quarter or more of almost every random BG has more geared players than me .

I don’t check gear in epics so there I have no idea…

Maybe, could be.

It doesn’t make anything I said any less true?

Plenty of good specs in random Bgs.

It doesn’t change the fact the thing he’s griping about affects other specs more than himself. It doesn’t change that they have infinite cc, damage and tankiness.

Lol nothing I said changes.

Okay cool.