Upcoming Australian Dollar (AUD) Price Changes for World of Warcraft Subscriptions, Game Time, and WoW Tokens

Right, but i play on an oce server, why is there a significant higher chance to have a na lead - why no option for oce only? OCE has its own tab on server selection.



Are there any titles worth playing though?

I tried SWTOR, Rift, Guild Wars2, Wild Star and a few others I cant even remember the name of. Basically every MMO I try always leads me back to wow because its not wow… a new dynamic is that wow is not wow anymore either (new story sucks but the gameplay is better).

Heck if anyone can give me a better title to play (cyberpunk 2077 Dec 10th aww yeah!!!) then I will stop my wow sub.

Ah yes, the old “I haven’t encountered these issues so they don’t exist”.

Those issues do exist, and while not all of those issues really affect my enjoyment of the game, it’s the attitude reflected in ignoring those issues that really irks me.

To them, the player experience doesn’t matter and that attitude is reflected in their actions or lack thereof.

Because our queue times would be atrocious, their algorithms try to place you with other OCE people its possible to get a 10 man BG with only OCE but if the queue times too long they dump you with the NA crowd. Since the changes to leveling and you can do BFA dungeons with people from like level 15-50 almost all my groups are people from the same server or at least OCE servers

and again the lag is almost unnoticeable to a point where unless your playing some seriously high stakes AV’s you wont notice anything. Now the initial release of that Korraks Revenge AV was abysmal THAT was unplayable garbage but that wasnt OCE in NA problems as even NA experienced it

Create a new BN account. Set locale as Argentina. Pay a 6month sub, cheaper than 1 month AU. Transfer your characters or start fresh.

19% increase on monthly subscription? this is over the top.

You havent even given a concise explanation as to what led to this huge increase.

Its probably some ploy to get people to move to 6-month subs, but sorry thats still over the top.

I will be cancelling my sub


Price hikes suck, they do.
But you do realise the increased prices are still less than US customers pay in USD right? We’ve had the game for a discount for a long time now.

And they’ve had no problem with it, And all of a sudden do, Clearly it was profitable before, It’s still profitable now, Only they are getting Greedy and chose nothing more than to screw over a set market of people.

Hint the NZD is always worse off and they didn’t get a change.

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The only issue here that “I haven’t encountered these issues so they don’t exist” was that he seemed to be claiming if an NA player joined MY pug we would get put on an NA server which actually does not happen. As for OCE servers being unstable I’ve played BFA pretty consistently since launch and have not or was not impacted by any issues. Launch day problems are because the servers are not made for 200 people in one spot trying hand in the same quest and its silly to expect them to be

It’s not about the location, it’s about the economic climate at that location.

It’s entirely relevant to the cost of living.

I think what people are really not understanding, is that we’re not earning any more money in Australia than we were, and our bills are going up crazy amounts this year. This is my angle on it.

Having other paid services that we use: Netflix, Stan, AmazonPrime, HayU, mainly steaming services; what Blizzard has failed to take into account is competition. And these other services (particularly Amazon as it’s also used for food and homewares) they’re going to trump the game every time in terms of bang for your buck.

All of these services have had no exorbitant price hikes.

Hey ActiBlizzard, how about you partner one of these services? Entertainment package anyone? Seems like a no-brainer.


Yeah but that price increase didn’t change the SUBSCRIPTION price which is what makes it so much worse.

Did exactly the same just now.

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Australia is probably being used as a test market to see how such a subscription increase would go down in the US, so they can fully counter all the revenue loss from multiboxers.


So far the news isn’t going down that well.


I highly doubt losing multi boxing will have any significant impact on revenue, it was extremely niche.

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Really… must be a different Australian dollar to the ones Australians use then???
Maybe time to finally kick WoW to the trash and play a game that looks and plays like it was made this century… pathetic !

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To all the shills saying murica has covered aus prices and enouhg is enough. Lets remind you that over the years the amount of turnover blizz has made from aus players is in the billions and the amount of taxes paid by blizz to aus government is lucky to be in the millions.

2013/2014 financial year blizz turned over 125 million in aus, had a taxable income of 366k and paid just 70k in taxes to aus government. No idea what the current tax amounts are but id be interested if someone posted them.

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40y infernal strike is probably worth the extra $3 / month. Will resub if it gets given back Blizz. thnx.