Correct, it is now the defacto 3rd best glyph for ret. It beats out Avenging Wrath by a ton.
No. You can tune raids and not classes, Blizzard. Do not listen to the delusional people who just string random words together and call it an opinion.
DPS specs you mouth breather lmao
its hard to fathom I know that two warrior specs are dead and ret is beating both of them. but hey rets reading comprehension isn’t exactly known either
kind of happy about this. when i originally tried avenging wrath glyph in naxx, it only felt good on a select few fights. in ulduar, it also feels pretty bad because fights are longer. also, fights going past a certain duration, glyph of consecrate also just began being better than avenging wrath again.
i personally moved over to having my dual spec be ret with avenging wrath gyph and ret with consecrate glyph. be happy to have prot/holy back.
“We devs play ret pally too and were crying non stop too, so we buffing ourselves”
Sure. Yup. TOOOOOOOTALLY lol. 100% believe the retail DK. Uh huh.
Sounds great, now fix Fury Warrior so we can actually kill things.
Shocking, to see that you’re beating out both arms and gladiator. *which guess what basic math is two specs
I basically did the same exact thing man haha. You have to have perfect timing on it with the kill times we had in naxx for it to work right. Sometimes stuff would die too fast and you couldn’t get the full 20 seconds in. Plus ulduar fights are too long, the longer the fights go the more worthless the glyph is. People shouldn’t be using it in ulduar right now anyways. Except for maybe mimiron, that glyph can shine very brightly on that fight.
This. This is what it should have been. That being a major glyph is absolutely horrible.
Yeah, this. Any chance we could make it a minor glyph instead?
gladiator warrior isnt a real dps spec.
we could inversely reflect upon how champion warrior (deep arms revenge spam prot) was outdping ret paladin on certain fights in naxx. an actual tank spec doing more dps than ret.
It’s too much dps for a minor glyph. Even sense undead was only 1%. This glyph alone is very close to a 6-10 percent buff.
How?!?!?! I do not see how that is remotely possible.
a warrior denier good to know
you’re probably one of those who thinks fury is scaling to the moon too right?
Oh no not Naxx raiding anyway
wont happen, ret got their buff opened pandoras box of now everyone asking for buffs some who deserve it more so than rets
be happy with what you have
honestly, agreed.
even glyph of turn evil is a fringe case of being one of the only, if not the only minor glyph that provides throughput.
from what i understand even as a major glyph this glyph is quite a bit better than any of our other options. we shouldnt miss glyph of consecrate or avenging wrath too badly.
…you are a weird person.