Upcoming 8.3 PvP Content etc

So we are getting:
Arathi Highlands as a PvP Warfront

Servant of N’Zoth PvP (FFA item for Warmode)

Let me know if I missed anything.

So how excited are y’all?

I for one have wanted pvp warfronts since they announce them at last years blizzcon so I’m amped!


They didn’t go in because the game performance was so bad it was unplayable. Now, considering what Nazjatar and IoC are still like when mass fighting is going on I’m not very confident that pvp warfronts will be playable when put in.

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Well hopefully they test it throughly.

I’m sure it’ll turn out great.

Would this mean that Arathi Highlands would be an actual battleground, like how Arathi Basin is?

Kind of but with a number of pve objectives along with the PvP

Uh correct.

What the current warfront covers would simply be converted to a bg yup.

Exactly. :innocent:

Just want to point out that this Arathi pvp warfront has been datamined in a previous patch and it turned out not to actually be an arathi pvp warfront… It’ll be cool if it is tho.

Now this sounds like it’s going to be fun. :cowboy_hat_face:


O really?! Well damn.

Yea lets hope they actually come out with it this time around. O.o

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A free for all…looks like I will be collecting horde tears as well. Can’t wait.


Did somebody say ashran

I personally loved ashran so I would be Gucci with that. :rofl:

More pvp in large organic formats is always welcome.

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As long PVP stuff is in instanced pvp, having another event like battle of Naz where people shard in 300 people over the other faction is pretty dumb and should never happen again.

I disagree.

I love all. Pvp content, from big to small. I think they should continue to come out with w/e for us.

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