<Unvanquished> AOTC guild LF DPS for Raids (Wed/Fri 8-11PM PST) for TWW

■Who are we?

We are a mix of veteran raiders from Proudmoore, Alleria, and Kilrogg servers. Our primary focus in TWW is pushing to get AOTC and Mythic+ for Vault. Unvanquished is a fun, semi-casual raiding guild, however, we are serious about reaching our goals. Proudmoore is a PST server and the majority of raiders come online from 8 pm til 11 pm almost every day. We are alt-friendly. If you are looking for a guild that runs M+ weekly, we are the guild for you. You’re always welcome to reach out to us in-game or on Discord.

■TWW Progression:
NP- 8/8H 8/8N

■TWW Raid Nights:
Weds & Friday: 8 pm-11 pm (PST/Server)
Raid Leader: Kumandgo
Raid Officers: Tigerlily, Aetheriuss, Mattpr, jezrien, Khryo, Brodie

■TWW Raid Recruitment:
Need 1 Healer with DPS OS
3-4 Dps (Mage, Evoker needed, other classes can apply)

■Voice Communication:

Raid Leader: Kumandgo
Officers: Tigerlily, Aetheriuss, Mattpr, jezrien, Khryo, Brodie
Recruit Officer: Aetheriuss (BNET: Cronus#1359 / DISC: Aetherius#4508)

You can also /who Unvanquished to see who is online and they should be able to point you toward the proper person.

Bump for week of Nov 3rd

Bump for week of December 8th