Unusable Spells Not Desaturating On Actionbar

Just as the topic title says… I’m having an odd issue that when I have abilities that are unable to be cast, the icon of these spells will remain in full, vibrant color with no fade to them at all.

For example, if I use Divine Shield, and am now debuffed with Forbearance, both Lay of Hands and Blessing of Protection will remain in full color on my bars, as if I am able to cast them on myself, despite being uncastable.

If I use Lay on Hands or Blessing of Protection though and gain Forebearance, Divine Shield will desaturate and fade showing it is unusable as it is supposed to. I am unsure why it is just Lay on Hands and Blessing of Protection that are not functioning properly and doing the same, as they always have before when Forebearance is present on my character or target.

If it’s not addon related, submit an in-game bug report.

I made a post over in the Bug Report forums aswell, after having made this one here, noticing the mistake.

Oh I didn’t mean it like that, meant more if you can consistently reproduce it without addons.

Its an occurrence even with all addons disabled, so I know its not an addon issue, which was why I was sure it was some form of a bug with the game registering the spells as able to be activated when it currently should be nullified for castability by the presence of the debuff that prevents it from being cast on that target.