Unsubbing after another round of DPS warrior nerfs that just hit the PTR

… but, you’re not a warrior…

See you on Tuesday when the Vault opens!

glad i made the choice of maining dk this xpac. my next alt to gear will be mage for sure, ive mained warrior since 2005

Meh /10 char

RIP I should have mained Warrior that week.

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Incorrect, Now that other classes have tier, Fury is down 7 spots this last week. We have one of the worst tier sets for % dps increase.

Additionally, Fury is actually last on single target fights.


Hi! Having a great time on my Dwarf Warrior. Although I do not agree with what you just said I shall defend to the death your right to say it. Also warlocks aren’t warriors. So you are complaining while hiding your main. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol. I just started gearing my warrior and was like “you know. Maybe I will try time heroic raids again. On the race class combo I was in vanilla”

lmaooo. Fury already dead at this point and they STILL nerfing it. My buddy already rerolled to frost dk. Guess you better join him.


Topical frost DK reply.

For all the highs and lows of being a shadow main for ~18 years, tuning changes have never been a deciding factor for whether or not I want to play the game.

“Just admit you don’t know everything or im unsubbing” or just grow up instead?

What are you saying? Ptr is just a player base QA environment

I don’t understand the continued nerfs the ones before were warranted imo, besides the 3% ability dmg nerf, but they are nerfing arms as well like what is going on with their balance team right now?

Not unsubbing, but super let down that my favorite class spec is being nerfed to heck and I won’t be enjoying it anymore. First time I’ve enjoyed it in years.

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When you quote someone before you it automatically removes the quoted text for some reason, so that’s the 1st edit, then you have to edit it yourself to get the quoted text to show again, and that’s the 2nd edit.

Good, leave. The less whiny Warriors in this game, the better.

It’s cuz the top fury warrior in Mythic raids was doing more damage than that one time when my cat laid down on a keyboard as insert any mage spec. This is completely unacceptable that warrior does more than mage in literally any capacity. Deserved nerfs.

But here’s the REAL reason. Fury in this specific raid is really good at sniping adds that die in 3 seconds, which artificially pads our numbers to an insane degree. Wanna see the difference? Look at the top DPS for Rash or maybe Broodtwister. WOW fury is insane right? Wrong. Look at Sikran. Pure single target, fury isn’t very good.

Well maybe Fury’s AoE is just really good? Also wrong. Look at our M+ rankings. Any key where mobs live longer than our 10 second burst window we fall off HARD.

So it really is just Blizzard freaking out over the fact that they made add spawn waves on 6/8 raid encounters that cater to fury’s specific burst window. That’s literally it. Plus logs aren’t even gonna count add damage anymore so people are about to see how awful the spec really is and how much these nerfs are strangling a dead spec.

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Shadow priest was busted in Legion, so they’re gonna get nerfed now. It’s only fair.


Don’t play dps warrior but feel this one.

They bring little else but damage to m+, they live or die as a spec based on damage. So many friends play warrior and they look to me to tank keys and all I am thinking is where is the hero, where is the brez, who is going to help dispel the poison/curse/disease etc.

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Good thing you are a bastion of stoic acceptance when it comes to the state of specs. Surely a quick inspect of your activity won’t show…

Well that’s just awkward. Both of these replies were made at about the same time as well.

Not that I mind of course. It’s the forums, we’re all here to complain about something or other. It’s the lack of self awareness that really gets me.