<Unprotected Hex> 7/9M Mon/Tues/Wed 9pm-12am EST

lfm raiders

bump up mythic gamers!

lfm gamers

Resto Shaman main, plays all heals. DPS Shaman, DH, Mage.

lfm mythic raiders

bump up for mraiders

lfm gamers come df.!

lfm gamers for raid

lfm gamers come app

How many raid teams/Mythic dungeons group do you have pushing for full vaults?? :o

come apply @ our discord.gg/unprotectedhex !!

lfm raiders!!

lfm mythic raiderz

Yikers on the TANK OS req

lfm mythic raiders

lfm gamers and raiders

bump lfm mythic raiders

lfm raiders must HATE DEEPHOLM

lf serious gamers

lfm mythic raiders!!