<Unprotected Hex> 7/9M Mon/Tues/Wed 9pm-12am EST

mythic raiders come apply

gamers come raid here

mythic raidersss

another painsmith kill, raiders gaming here!

raiders raidin.

lf raiders!!!

looking for gamers!

Hi, 4/10M BM hunter here, I needed to take a break till 9.1.5. When I came back Most of the raiders left and others quit due to life changes. I am Venthyr atm, really like the razorwire legendary. I am also 80 renown with Kyrian. I am 40 with NF and going to switch to max that out to 80 renown this next week. Make sure I have my bases covered for 9.2 You guys need another ranged dps?

bump it up!!

Lfm gamers!

10/10 recruiting hpals

gamers lf more gamers!!

apply bro for sure man we can find you a spot

bump it up!!

lfm raiders!!

lf more mythic gamers!

disc priests, do they exist?

lfm raiders .

raiders come game

lfm raiders!