Unpopular WRA Opinions

Given how some folks’ opinion of the Horde RP scene during SoO has softened, I’m starting to wonder if we’re not going to see a repeat when BfA’s “SoO” drops.

The snake devours its tail.

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An extraordinarily fragile masculinity was at the core of a lot of Kor’kron RP. It was rather sad.


Here I thought they hated Xins because when they tried to ICly bully hum, he reminded them that pandas are actually these things called ‘bears’ and mauled them if they attempted getting violent.

Actually come to think of it, I loved that part of MoP with Kor’kron RP. No matter what character I was on, I was always able to ensure I never ran out of salt.


While true, it’s not that surprising that bad actors are pushing this narrative. And, in fact, a common abuser tactic is to opine “the good ol’ days” and prey upon a desire to move on by omitting the negative aspects.


The only thing that’s tripped an alarm for me was the guy who posted an event where he basically said he wanted to go to Thunderbluff and harass and taunt Tauren IC, and said if anyone showed up to express IC dissent, or challenge them, he’d consider it trolling and OOC harassment.


People can debate whether it was abusive or not all they want, but the fact that most of these “just RPing” types did not want to face consequences for their actions should be all the proof we need.

Heck, after the Hellscream Trials, most of the former Kor’kron either race-changed, went underground or just decided “nah, I’m not RPing anymore” and ran away.

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Yeah anyone whose goal is to have all the power “IC”, be able to abuse it “IC”, and suffer no consequences, “IC”, is someone who isn’t looking to role play. They’re looking for a way to feel powerful and in control.

It’s frankly pathetic.

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Out of curiousity, wouldn’t this have been a sensible thing? At least insofar as once your character’s been captured or killed for war crimes, you’d go do something else? Or am I misunderstanding what you mean here?

Like I agree that they should’ve faced IC consequences for their actions, but after the trials most of the toons would’ve been dead or imprisoned, I would have thought?

Misunderstanding, but without knowing the whole story, anyone would. They didn’t get captured or killed. They didn’t wanna do that part, because it didn’t involve exerting power. So they literally just vanished, never facing any consequences IC.

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Oh right, that makes sense. So the majority of them never even showed up for the War Crimes trials? That’s pretty low…

Thanks for explaining! :slight_smile:

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Even the ones that did, most apologized and got pardoned because they were very sorry.

I think one dude also basically went Super Saiyan and escaped because he’s so strong and fast.

Oh gosh…

See, it’s a shame this happened to be honest. As a Horde-main these days, I’m actually quite excited at the idea of War Crimes trials, if they come to it. I’m curious for what’d happen to Sarestha, who actively participated in and encouraged support for the burning of Teldrassil… But later turned against Sylvanas due to her breaking of the “Free will” thing. Like, she may have repented, but she’s a war criminal. I’d find it interesting to see what consequences would be handed down for such a case.

It’s a shame that dropkicks go and ruin good ideas. xD


Some did end up going “on trial”, during which the vast majority of them were ~suddenly and mysteriously pardoned~ by The Powers That Be.

It was all just a powerplay. They wanted an excuse to harass and demean other players, and never intended to face any sort of consequences for their actions.

Honestly, don’t give up on that notion! The concept is really cool, and I enjoyed my guild’s time during the Rebellion. It was super fun, we didn’t let the baddies ruin it for us, we just stayed out of Orgrimmar (we shouldn’t have had to, but I’ve already covered all that lol).

My mag’har is very anti-Sylvanas and is honestly horrified and dismayed that Geya’rah would throw her lot in with someone who demands what Sylvanas does. I’m excited to RP with him throughout this process.

Yeah, it was a good time for conflict and interesting RP, but you attract all kinds when one side has tyrannical authority on their side. Ultimately I met a lot of Orc RPers and Garrosh apologists who I’m still friends with today, or would gladly strike up conversation with, and that’s why I look back on that time positively. My guild and I were outside of Orgrimmar though. Maybe we were separated just enough not to see the worst of it.

Hey Moz! I don’t play so much anymore but things are great on my end. Hope all is well for you and yours too!

I really haven’t seen that much toxicity from the Undead RP scene, though like I just mentioned I’m not on as much. And Undead certainly could be worse if the right/wrong people started with their old antics again. Still, I feel like we would’ve seen some aggressive Warband guild filled with sadistic Forsaken tearing up Orgrimmar by now, letting everyone know they’re in charge. Might be a good sign?

I didn’t hang out in the Valley of Honor during my time RP’ing MoP so missed a lot of that. Kok’kron RP’ers didn’t give me any trouble at all in the Valley of Strength or Spirits, and I remember doing a lot of advertising in trade for my IC voodoo business at the time. On a troll that rather openly supported Vol’jin no less.

I count myself rather fortunate given all the horror stories I’ve heard.

The only real interaction I’ve had with Kok’ron RP has been Tam here’s friendship with an orc that was a former member of the guard. I don’t know if the player actually RP’ed as such during MoP, but his character certainly acknowledges that he did some pretty terrible things for what he now realizes were bad reasons and continues to carry a lot of shame about it. It’s definitely made for some pretty interesting RP.

I definitely haven’t run across any Forsaken doing anything similar this go around. If anything, the anti-Sylvanas folks have been the more… zealous types. Still nothing terrible, though.


I like to think any theoretical Sylvanas loyalist scene would be less toxic just by virtue of the fact that undead aren’t as, well…hypermasculine.

The worst I can see is someone bringing in gross themes without permission, and people have been doing that since Game of Thrones started airing.


See, this still confuses me… part of what the Mag’har was terrified of had been the fact that the Lightborne (or whatever) were stripping away the free will of those that didn’t sign up.

Baine called Sylvanas out on that… and the mag’har chick is still okay with this? Why?

From what I’ve interacted with? Just as bad. It’s just a different sort. Instead of screaming “MAK’GORA” at every slight, it’s more of thinly veiled threats and constant goading.


If I had to guess, it’s probably that the Mag’har are less terrified about the concept of seeing any random being stripped of free will as opposed to seeing their own brothers, sisters, and themselves stripped of free will.

Also, Sylvanas does that after the target is dead, and raising a corpse as a loyal follower has different connotations compared to forcibly brainwashing a still living person.

Forsaken Loyalists were extremely toxic during the Mists era so I hope that they wouldn’t be again now,but I no longer really play horde so I wouldn’t know.

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