Alright cool put warriors at the bottom idc. Sure hybrid tax not being a thing, idc. Make rets and ferals strong, idc. You all stating there’s too many things to balance, no there’s not. Frost mages need a 30 percent buffs easy, give ice lance and frost bolt 15 percent more dmg in pve scenarios. Arms warriors need a buff, fix munching, give slam haste scaling, increase ms dmg, like I could go on and on. To bring everyone in line with each other, and then the everyone will still have their own unique playsytle. Games fixed.
No, we’re saying there’s too many things to balance that Blizzard will never achieve equality. Not for lack of trying, there’s just soooooooo many variables. We would either have to accept everybody playing the same class (as suggested before), a much more simplified stat system, or class balance that has reasonably large variances.
Retail has balance better than Classic but it’s still got a 15% (ish) variance. It’s not because Blizzard is incompetent (as many would have us believe), it’s because it’s a legitimately difficult and constantly changing problem to solve.
I’m not saying don’t buff anybody in WotLK, I’m all for that, I’m just saying that you should temper your expectations because it’s absolutely impossible to bring everybody in line with each other, especially if they want to keep WotLK feeling like WotLK.
Look at the impact a simple change like having FFF always trigger OoC had?
Yeah, but you could “go on and on” about them
LMAO wow you should apply to Blizzard and we’d have a perfectly balanced game in no time.
I cannot stop laughing at this LOOOOOL
What playstyle do you want to keep ahold of?? You like to press mutilate twice, and envenom once, if frost mages can attain the same dmg you deal, making them coveted in raids, in what situation would you have less fun? Get off the forums my bro, you looking washed out here.
LMAO you think this is why I’m laughing at you? Because I love assassination rogue?
When are you putting in your application? Just think of the good you could do in easily fixing the game’s balance so no class stacking happens.
- if you have nothing productive to say or can’t dispute what I’m saying don’t respond.
When can I expect Sarahbeth to be added to the dev team? And how long would you expect it to take you to fix every balance issue the game has? 2 weeks? There’s not that much to change, right?
I wish balancing was that black and white
No, no, just throw around 30% damage buffs and everything will work out perfectly.
Give me a week. Class is behind 30 percent. Give them 30 percent dmg?? What’s the implication?
You see they’re 10 percent too strong, take away 10 percent. Hard, very difficult,
Sounds nice on a sim. But doesn’t work in reality
You don’t have to be the “top”. Compare apples to apples, if you’re the top of your spec, and you’re able to kill the bosses, that’s all that matters.
You don’t have to just have UHDKs to complete lmao
If you want to absolutely Min Max, then choose a FOTM Min Max class/spec
Yep, just look at overall rankings and dish out large percentage buffs with zero nuance. That will work great. They should hire you immediately!
Thanks brother. Easy problems require easy solutions.
X class is underperforming x percent, buff them x to adjust imbalance, games fixed. Done.
Games not fixed, reel in that buff until balanced. Literally brain dead easy. Give me some implications on why this is bad again?
A 30% buff to frost mage would put them above unholy death knight on Razorscale.
You would make Blizzard balance look impeccable.
I mean, I didn’t look at the percentage to make them even, but who cares if there above unholy dk, so you believe that frost mage shouldn’t? Respond with sense.
Unholy is a huge outlier on Razorscale, are you going to tune everything to the single dps spec beating everyone by 2k?
You have to be arrogant to the point of narcissism to think you could just hop in and balance everything. You’re just trolling at this point!
Nah, that fight is what you said it was, an outlier. Anyone with one chromosome knows that unholys perform that well becuase the fight is so short meaning that they have a lusted Gary out for a huge percentage of the fight.
Any other brain busters for lead dev sarahbeth, you ask the question, I’ll give you a solution.what do you believe? People will quit in droves if all their specs are strong? I don’t get your argument here?