The specs are not the issue. It’s the players who try to look online for a “cookie cutter” way of doing things. That’s why classic is so much better than live. Just learn to play your class and quit looking online for a " How to be OP" guide.
There’s no reason MM hunters can’t be number 1 on the damage meters.
They do less dmg. That’s the reason.
Well, it goes against the point of the classic series, which was meant to largely be just a romp through the old times…
So even though they are changing way more in wrath than the last 2 combined, their goal is still to not be actively and continually number tweaking the balance in the way that the retail environment does.
Which, yes, is a flaw, because end game tuning has decisions based on end game gear taken into account, but it’s the way that they’ve been running the classic series from the start.
They fix the things that made wotlk classic worse, they could keep a few more subs.
Yeah, but most of the changes they have made haven’t been for the better…
Titan Rune dungeons made the gearing process of fresh 80s worse. Fixing the feral rotation made the relative class balancing worse. Removing RFD made server selection a worse experience for both mega servers (larger queues at launch) and low population ones (no one to play with). Messing with the Ulduar tuning compared to the final version made class balance more of a laser focus than it should have been, which makes it harder to clear the dungeons without more meta comps, which makes class stacking more of an issue…
Changes aren’t always for the better.
They were bad now they’re good. They went from having one raid spot, to now taking more and it not being a grief.
I don’t agree with this. The classes being unbalanced is why things are the way they are, which is what I’m advocating for. Eles/balance/rets/mm/spriests/arcane/arms/ all tanks. There’s some other things as well I just don’t feel like typing it all. More changes is the key to fixing this issue. Every raid team that’s recruiting on faerlina right now is looking for warlocks, from dad guilds to some of the tops. Always need more locks. Blizzard stating they will do nothing just means they know there’s problems. And they’re leaving it that way because they don’t care about the state of the game.
It made it significantly harder to get a group for fresh 80s, because titan rune dungeons are tuned for a higher ilvl than you have (and players won’t invite a fresh 80) and they largely aren’t running regular heroics because there are better rewards out of the titan rune ones.
No one gave much of a crap what you played in Naxx because it largely didn’t matter. The harder you make the content, the more class stacking and the meta becomes the norm.
Classes don’t need to be tuned on a razor’s edge when all it does is adjust how fast you kill the boss and not determine if you are likely to kill it at all.
Yeah I think I agree with your take here. The issue is the adhoc and seemingly arbitrary approach Blizzard are taking to class balance.
If they are weighing in on class balance (and they are) then they need to take a more holistic and data driven approach.
S tier tank and S tier healer.
The difference here is that Paladins did know what they were getting into, that’s why there are so many of them.
Why is it so danged hard for you to understand that when a class has a dps spec, that spec has to have some merit to being brought to the raid or the players playing it will simply quit?
It is hard to understand because it’s nonsense.
It’s an RPG, being the best tank/healer is perfectly acceptable. In fact paladins are the only viable main tank, practically speaking.
You’re not entitled to a dps spec being in the pack, save that crap for retail. Paladins should have never been buffed. Warriors can complain though because neither of their roles are at all sought after apart from a single commanding shout buff.
You’re basically telling every ret paladin “quit the game”.
Which is exactly what Blizzard did as well which is what caused us to get the buff in the first place cause when they posted their utterly idiotic “spec holy or prot” player perception of ret changed over night.
Rets, the king of 5-mans, over night suddenly couldn’t even get into a 5-man group because of that post by Blizzard.
That you’re sitting there repeating.
And you’re still doing nothing but whining that a class got buffed to still be below fury warriors.
It’s pathetic.
You’re a child complaining someone else got a toy for their birthday. Literal Cartman getting presents on other people’s birthdays.
I’d say they knew what they were getting into. Now we’re doing balancing, fury warriors deserve a buff. If it’s too much Blizzard can revert it.
But you don’t get S tier tank, S tier healer and then are able to pipe up for unprecedented balancing in classic for your dps spec because each class must have a viable dps spec. That’s ridiculous and is quite clearly biased reasoning given Paladins only have one tree for dps.
Paladins are the most represented class in WoTLK, and were even before the buffs were in place. They’d have just rerolled a dps alt and been happy with S tier tank and S tier healer.
Absolutely ludicrious. I’m surprised paladins didn’t get called out on it eventually. But the dev in charge plays ret and probably wanted his crusader fantasy against Arthas fulfilled.
Doesn’t matter cause Blizzard made that post.
That post that you’re happily repeating right now.
I do.
Yes. That’s the effing point.
I take back what I said earlier.
Children have better understanding of the world.
I’ll call Blizz out for their lopsided reasoning. And the dev in charge of the changes plays paladin so I’ll say it’s even more self-interested. Nevermind that devs from Classic vanilla left just before they were implemented.
No you do not. It’s ludicrous you get S tier tank and S tier healer, then get buffed and I won’t sit by while paladins defend it.
Reported for trolling. Figures you couldn’t be mature enough to actually have a discussion about why having a dps spec be viable when you already have two S tier PvE specs is unreasonable.
Ironic you’d call me childish when the first part of your argument is “Well daddy Blizzard said it’s fine so that’s that”.
Go ahead, I don’t give a flying hoot. They painted themselves into a corner by using your reasoning.
Yes yes, they buffed ret paladins to be below fury warriors cause the dev plays the class
If only you knew what went on in Vanilla on this topic. Paladins literally getting nerfed cause Kalgan lost duels to them. Literally.
Oh no. Anyway.
Make your own damned case instead of crying.
When in the heck did I say this absolute garbage take?
There you go to your last question. Also reported for spam, make your point or don’t. You don’t need 20 lines of text to emphasise something.
I didn’t hear paladins piping up during vanilla when they were healers (I was a healer too by the way during vanilla). The only reason they were buffed is because paladins are in majority and cried the loudest.
I’m going to continue asking for buffs, based on other classes. If you can’t see how comparing the buffs of other classes fits into the logic of how to buff some classes going forward, I can’t help you and your diseased brain.
Prot paladin was ahead of the pack of tanks to a greater degree than ret paladin was ever behind other dps classes.
My goodness, you can’t read either? I’m so sorry.
They made a post telling ret paladins to spec holy or prot.
Player perception changed over night and rets were brought for nothing.
That’s not a “daddy Blizzard said so it’s ok”, that’s a DIRECT CRITISISM OF BLIZZARDS PISS POOR COMMUNICATION!
Why on earth would I care if they said that? It’s clearly not what happened in actuality. And if rets weren’t being played so what? Why do you deserve all your talent trees to be PvE viable?
Name me one other class other than druids (coincidentally who were also buffed) where all specs are viable. I can think of DK and that’s only because they’re quite literally the figurehead of this expansion. Can you name one with two S tier specs also?
In fact the fact Blizzard said that and did the opposite, should lead me to believe I should put no stark into them saying they’re happy with where warriors are atm. It should be my job to make them unhappy with where warriors are.
I don’t know, I don’t care if you care either.
But player perception changed OVERNIGHT.
Ret paladins were taken nowhere.
So Blizzard painted themselves into a corner where either they buffed rets or they watched us quit.
Literally all of them.