Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread šŸ

Folk asked for em. Just not the ones we got. lol

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Plenty of people asked for an wanted the mechagnomes. Itā€™s just the Alliance is filled with anti-gnomers.

Theyā€™re not mutually exclusive to the Mechagnomes. Allied races need to be finished in BFA. Thereā€™s still a prepatch to go through, donā€™t worry. Weā€™ll either get Ankoan or Sethrak.

Folk wanted the mechagnomes from Wrath not the junkergnomes.

I think they could allay that particular issue if theyā€™d just allowed for more mecha customizationā€¦ different arms, more full head mecha. you know. More like the ones from Wrath. instead we got arms and legs and some face.

And yeah I hope they finish the allied races. And I hope they have a 8.3.5 where they kinda just round out the expacā€¦ give it a proper send off.

No? We didnā€™t. You wanted them so you could pretend further that they would have been ā€˜more uniqueā€™ when all of the lore stated they were automata.

Iā€™m sorry. I didnt want em at all. Iā€™m going off what I see on the forums from others who do want them.

That said I dont mind em that much.

Seriously thoughā€¦ why cant we have a full head of metal?

Because Mechagnomes havenā€™t invented brain transplantation yet.

they do most of the faceā€¦ why not the rest of the faceā€¦ They could leave the brain and brain stem given the other things they add on.

Because emoting is nice.

They got hands! Besidesā€¦ they cant transmog legs and arms why not have no emoting. :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™d rather wear shorts than be unable to scratch my nose.

Dont have to scratch it if it doesnā€™t get itchy.

Eating and beathing is also nice, as is speech

Like Iā€™ve said until they announce AR are done for good it doesnā€™t matter if this will be the last BfA patch, can always add more in SL. The only issue will be more competition as Iā€™m sure people will find a lot of SL races they want to add into the roster too.

I know some peopleā€™s taste can be frustrating but Iā€™m sure they will add a reptilian option eventually, and I still strongly belive they will make our next AR good.

A good deal of the patch promo has been Vulp focused, they know what people are hyped forā€¦

(If you are hyped for Mecha Iā€™m not raining on your parade or anything, just how i feel here.)


pretty sure they can make it so the jaw allows food consumption and also so speech and breathing are doableā€¦ theyā€™re clearly capable Automengineers. lol

Aye, I donā€™t think ARā€™s are actually done its just sad to think theyā€™re dropping this expac so lack lusterā€¦lyā€¦

I donā€™t think any of us here want to make the Mechagnome folks feel bad. Theyā€™re good people having a good time just like us. Just like the Vulpera thread does too.


What if it does get itchy? I mean those darn spiders can reproduce by eggsā€¦ And the chickens evolved to be stealth bombers.

Also, I just wanna be a noodle that rides a bee. A Sethrak on the bee mount would be amazing.

Then I can yell ā€œFloat like a butterfly, sting like a Bee/Sethrak!ā€ at people.


mmm. Those are both fair points. Iā€™m thinking clawed hands rather than clompers and regular then. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mechagnome but modified to be a worgen body model. lol

Which makes me think they are aware people are hyped for Sethrak as well.

Of all the races, Iā€™d say Vulpera and Sethrak have received the most love and attention. (High Elves aside since that has been a long time going and now could be satisfied by customization)



What for? Which discord?

The sethrak discord. Said a word that other people in the discord use and I got banned for it. Someone even admitted to using it all the time so I said ā€œmod favouritism.ā€