Unofficial Naga Playable Race Discussion Thread

Every… time… I try to advertise in game to rile up support for Naga… someone always says this! EVERY TIME! :weary:

Boot problems, maybe. There are currently a couple naga models wearing leg armor. It’s obviously not pants, but the tassets they give them are close enough. Boots? Yea there’s not much to be done for that, but trolls and Tauren have the same issue.

You may be right, however is there really anything problematic with my suggestion? I feel like it cuts corners enough to accomodate Blizz’s… tendencies… while still giving us the Naga as we want them in most situations.

I would hate to have to WALK as a Naga… I wanna slither… :slightly_frowning_face:

As for Ogres… I can not fathom why they haven’t been added, and don’t know how they’d even need to cut corners to do so.

The issue with this is Blizz is so lazy that they may not want to make a tail whip anim… as Blackwayke pointed out, we have to manage our expectations with this company. As much as I friggin’ hate it. But there are certain things we should be able to expect! If it WALKS, it’s not a Naga! They SLITHER damn it!

Jokes aside, I’m almost surprised more people aren’t posting here. Guess everyone has given up hope too much to bother.

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Being mostly ignored for about 20 years will do that. But I will never let the dream die!! I will find a way to rekindle the hope you speak of.


I want to say something to further explain that an elven visage would not really work and even lorewise would be going against the idea of what nagas are :slight_smile:

First of, there is something that dont really work with the “oh but they were elves before, so they can just turn into some elven visage” thing is, this is ignoring something important about the nagas as a race, that is that not all nagas were elves before, because some nagas were actually borns as nagas and never were elves as we saw there is baby nagas, they lay eggs and they comes from eggs.

So for nagas that were born as new nagas, and never were elves, i dont see why they would want to turn into elves its like going against their view of seeing them as a proper race.

Secondly, to fruther my point, nagas in their culture dont see them being naga as a curse, they see it as an improvement, an evolution above the elves, they think elves are inferiors because now they became something greater than this, and so they would not wish to turn into a race they consider as a lesser being.

You know if we get playable Naga, I wonder if we’ll get then get the Couatl added to the game. Like they can be an exalted reward from the friendly Naga reps.

It would be nice to see them in game.

I had worried the fathom rays were meant to replace them.


I too am an avid naga enjoyer.
I even made a couple posts about how Azshara can connive her way Into being a genuine neutral leader that exists to keep the horde and alliance system of balancing a power to make sure that she cannot make extensive use of their weaknesses to further entrench their dependancy upon Nazjatar.

I don’t want her to be redeemed, but I genuinely want the writers to play her up as a political villain that cannot just be placed in a raid as a boss fight without far reaching consequences.

Her ties to elven society are borderline mythological, reverencial, and a nemesis plotpoint.

I thoroughly enjoy the idea of an allied race that cannot be trusted, but also cannot be broken off with out of fear of empowering a third faction.


My Take on races and classes to complete the game:

Add Naga (horde)
Add sha’tari (alliance) (bird from BC)
ogre (horde)
Add Vulpera to alliance side not horde

Combine mechagnomes with normal gnomes (keep mecha custom)
Combine the 2 orcs
Combine the 2 trolls
Combine void elf with night elf
combine highmountain with tauren
combine lightforged with drenei
combine kultiras with human


Night Elf Dragonknight (mail) (Uses polearms)

We had Gallywix for years, so I don’t see why not. I even like Gallywix for how overt he is and unrepentant in addition to constantly weaseling his way to freedom (his story also helped, as it’s one of my favorites). For as fun as Azshara is being an enemy, she’s more enjoyable as an antagonist you love to hate (or hate loving). She’s also one of the few old characters still kicking, and is chronologically one of the oldest in Azeroth. I’d hate to just lose her in a raid as we almost did.


I totally agree with you, i also made some posts about how we could not kill her but still have her as a more grey character, kinda like Wrathion or Illidan.

When you understand that Azshara is not about destroying Azeroth, even if she wants to rule it, she still want to win over its inhabitants instead of just coming and just destroying everything like the Legion or Old Gods would.

She is basically like the Kingpin from Spider-man in that she thinks “There is gain to want the destruction of the planet.”

Which is why, just like the Kingpin allied sometimes himself with Spider-man in order to beat some alien invasion, i could definitly see Azshara allying with the Horde and Alliance to beat a Void invasion. (Midnight im looking at you.)

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I personally believe Azshara is far and beyond too selfish to lead playable Naga. I do not want to be a pawn in a narcissist’s self-centered bids for power.

Azshara is not like Illidan. Never was.

Azshara would have to go way out of character and demonstrate a lot of loyalty to the Naga to even make sense…

That being said… I’d main a Naga no matter who leads them atp.

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“Unofficial Naga…”

Is there an official one?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Oh, and just a tip: Forum Code of Conduct says:

Creating Duplicate Threads

… If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Me, I don’t care, I have no horse (or seahorse) in this race. But you’d be better to simply start a separate, slightly different post than start another one with exactly the same title.

Imagine being you

Almost all playable race threads are labelled as “Unofficial.”

There is no thread with exactly the same title as this one.

It’s fine. Even posts that inaccurately accuse of thread duping help the cause.


Perhaps you can tell us what you think of the Naga?

Who is the second in command of the Naga? I know Azshara is still around, ur curious.

Also, is there any heir apparent in that Azsharan dynasty?

These are the interesting world building things for Naga for me. Even if it is secretive, a vast culture under the waves sounds intriguing.


We have no clue. It likely used to be Vashj. It’s likely some currently unknown snake-haired sea witch.

One of my headcanons is that there’s a niece or nephew who doesn’t realize their mother or grandmother was killed off because she was secretly Azshara’s sister… and Azshara refused to have competition for the throne. I mean they know she was killed, and suspects Azshara and has been plotting against her for several thousand of years because of it, but they don’t know why.

There may be someone. As of now? We do not know.


This is why i really love what BFA did with her, to be honest, she was the one who really won at the end of the day, if you consider it, she is not dead, n’zoth is, her people and herself are free from him finally, and she can now focus on other things.

I think you have to see it as Lady Vashj, she was always loyal to Azshara, even if she worked with Illidan, its also the case for all the Illidari nagas in TFT and tbc (it was never really explained why in legion they oppose her thought.)

But even in Shadowlands, when you ask Vashj what she thinks about her Queen, she is still very much loyal to her.

When i said she would be like Illidan, its more, when you play a DH now in wow, even if you see Illidan like your mentor and have big respect for him, you dont exactly have him as a leader directly.

Just like Vashj had not exactly Azshara as her leader, as she was under Illidan comend, she still had respect and saw Azshara as her Queen.

It is unknown, but it could be the Battle-maiden, Nar’jira, from Vashj’ir, but i am completly speculating here.

It was never explored.

I think, i saw some peoples headcanons about this, mentioning a male heir or somehting, like “ho it would be cool if a male ruled the nagas” but i want to remind everyone here that the nagas are a matriarchy and it is not only a big part of their culture, but also a big part of their biology, male tend to be more brutal and less intelligent than female overall, even if you do have some rares males casters you always have the females above them in all the groups of nagas that we saw.

One exception being the ones in Borean Tundra which was said to be led by the emperor Raj Naz’jan, even if he was under the rule of Azshara.

This guy could also be seen again one day as his fate is unknown.

About the fact Azshara being selfish, i dont want to deny this, but also want to remind, that she did not let her people die, in some cases, in Borean Tundra quests, we learn the story of her coming to put a big sea monster in prison because it was destroying a naga city and her people asked her help.


For massive world-ending threats can we give it to Azshara for not having the ‘genocidal’ tag attached to her philosophys? She’s just an old school ‘I will be your queen and rule over you with an iron fist’ type villain, and bless her heart, thats all she needs to be.