Horde Casual Raiding Guild (Late Night)
is a former vanilla raiding guild that is coming back to Classic. We decided to roll on BB because we wanted to go PvE, but know that RP servers typically have a more mature and healthy population in general when compared to regular PvE servers. Some of us do participate in RP events, but many of us do not. As a guild, we do not have any RP requirements or restrictions, and are simply looking for friendly, mature players who want to play WoW a few hours per night and have fun.
Eventually, we will be raiding 1-2 nights per week, depending on amount of content needing to be cleared. We will vote on the days of the week as a guild once we get closer to level 60, but will likely have raid times of 9PM-Midnight PST (Midnight- 3AM server time). We have about 15 players returning from Vanilla, and are looking for all classes/roles as of now. We will not be rushing to 60. Although we used to be hardcore progression players in 2005, many of us now have families/jobs that only allow us a few hours of playtime per night.
If any of this sounds good to you, please send me a message on Bnet at Tallen#1120