Unoffical Playable Arakkoa Discussion Thread

If Arakkoa became playable, I was thinking of a male Arcane Mage. However, part of me was also considering them as a plate class, possibly a warrior. Mostly because I’m remembering the bird knights in the final dungeon of Zelda II, who are rather infamous to fight in the game, and I kinda like the design of bird knights in general.

I guess a lot depends on how the playable Arakkoa model would look and how they’d look with armor transmogs on. Still, playable Arakkoa are something I hope to see become a reality someday.


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I’m hoping they’d have paladin as an option. Though I could see me going with Priest as well…

Something for the Sun.

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Arakkoa has a new race should be super easy for Bliz just treat them like the moonkin form and done. Couple expacs later allow some minor changes like diff colours feathers.

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This could work like the Tauren and the Light of An’she or the Zandalari and the light of Loa.


I’m curious if they would be able to take the skeleton of the Zandalari moonkin form and be able to apply that to playable Arakkoa.

I can’t say I know how the game is programmed, and likely it would cause my head to explode if I tried to, but I’m curious if adding more animations and such to that skeleton and rigging Arakkoa models to it could work. Granted, it would be for regular Arakkoa models, and if Cursed Arakkoa are playable in some fashion, they would need their own skeleton as well.

Also I don’t see why Arakkoa Paladins couldn’t be a thing. If Tauren have sun based Paladins, I’m sure Arakkoa could have something similar. Not to mention how a lot of classes are getting opened to existing races, so we could see that in future playable races when reasonable.

Arakkoa Paladins could also be against the Lightbound and play into that storyline very well. Lots of possibilities there! :sun_with_face::bird:


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As you might know, I usually send in monthly in-game feedback for races I want playable. Since playable Arakkoa would make a great counterpart to playable Saberon, along with being a great playable race in general, I thought I would post a guide on how to submit in-game suggestions along with some tips on how to word them.

Once a month on only one character, I send an in-game suggestion for the races I want playable. I do one suggestion for each race and refer to their megathreads on the official US WoW forums for more information. It’s something I don’t regularly do, as I don’t want to spam the system, but it is something I try to at least do occasionally.

If you’re interested in submitting in-game feedback for any races you are interested in becoming playable, here is how to get to it in game:

Step 1: Press ESC to bring up the general menu.

Step 2: Click “Support.” It’s at the very top of the menu.

A new window in-game should load. It can take a few seconds for it to load completely. Underneath the “Search World of Warcraft Support” search bar, you should see a line of square images that refer to specific categories of support.

Step 3: Click the “Submit feedback or bug report” square. It should be on the far left when you first load the support window.

It’ll take a second to load that part.

Step 4: Click the lightbulb icon on the right that says “Submit a suggestion”

Step 5: Click in the text box on this window to begin typing a suggestion.

You’re now ready to submit an in-game suggestion!

It’s limited to 500 characters you can type, so you have to be a bit creative in the limited space. As I said before, I usually do one suggestion for each race I want playable, giving a very brief mention of the race, the faction I want it for, and why I feel they’d be great to add. I then make sure to type the name of the associated megathread, assuming they have a megathread, and mention they’re on the official US WoW forums, stating to go there for more info, such as ideas, fan support/designs, ongoing discussions, etc.

When you submit the feedback, it states you won’t get a response, but that it’ll be looked at in some way. Now, this wouldn’t be a sure-fire way to get a race playable, but it can’t hurt to do so in my opinion. After all, we have to show support somehow!

So for those interested in supporting a race you want playable, this is how to do it in-game. As I said, I usually do this once a month (on just one character) at most so as to not spam the system. However, multiple people doing it could help a lot to showing support for races we’d love to see playable.

Also make sure you’re submitting a suggestion and not a bug. I mean, yes, the character creation screen lacking playable Arakkoa is quite the game-breaking bug (with an easy fix!), but a suggestion will likely be received better as opposed to sending that as a bug report.

Arakkoa have been a race I’ve seen requested for quite some time, and with playable Saberon and a potential threat of the Lightbound, I think it’s important to start showing feedback on how great that pairing would be as playable races and also how fitting they would be to go with a Lightbound storyline. No guarantees of course, but it is worth a try! :bird:


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Got an art piece of an Aarakocra (D&D) Monk from DeviantArt I wanted to share for a couple of reasons. This was created by the user named Yggdrassal and was uploaded to the website on May 29th, 2020.

“Kirik” by Yggdrassal on DeviantArt

So a couple of reasons I wanted to share this.

First is just the feather color pattern for Arakkoa customization idea inspiration.

The other reason is that this is a Monk being shown, and I’m sure Arakkoa Monks would be a thing if they ever became playable. Thus I figured this could help a bit with the visual of an Arakkoa practicing Monk skills.

I’ll share more art pieces for playable Arakkoa idea inspiration as I find them. I find that having something visual really helps with that quite a bit.

Also, I’m at three posts in a row, so if someone could post so I could continue to make posts here, I’d appreciate it! I actually have some things I wanted to talk and speculate on in the near future, as I’ve gotten some neat ideas to share if we were to ever get an Arakkoa/Saberon pairing for playable races. :bird: :tiger:


1 Like,h_858,q_75,strp/kirik_by_yggdrassal_ddyanm3-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODU4IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZWE0ZTIyMjAtNjE4Ni00MDc0LTlmYzYtMjcyMzc3ZjZlNjNkXC9kZHlhbm0zLTEwY2MzZWQ1LWEyZjAtNGZjMS05ZTRhLTE2MjMyMGQ3ZWEzZi5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.VMvL1dvijcFrKQpyD5GNMF84ntDvyPqE8U4xfa-dTaU


I really do hope we get Arakkoa in the future. Seeing the ones in the Bronze Flight area does make me wonder why they are there. Does it mean there is a timeline where Arakkoa came to Azeroth already? I suspect so.


What I took from that area was that those Arakkoa could have come from different timelines. It’s possible they came from MU Draenor before it became Outland or possibly from AU Draenor, maybe even before the events of WoD. Not to mention that they’re hostile to us regardless of where they come from. Hard to really know what timeline they come from.

I do think that if any Arakkoa come to Azeroth, it would likely be from AU Draenor. They have storylines from WoD, can tie into the Lightbound coming to Azeroth, and could offer both cursed and uncursed forms. I’m sure Arakkoa from Outland could be workable, but I feel like the AU Draenor ones would lead to more flexibility and would have more to work with. Not to mention being a great pairing with Saberon. :bird: :tiger:


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Came across a really neat art piece of some beast races, including a bird man that I figured would be great for playable Arakkoa idea inspiration. The following image was created by Michelle Ang, a concept artist from Phoenix Labs, and was taken from their ArtStation post, which was made 3 years ago from this post according to the site, here:

Image from above as follows:

They look kinda similar to Arakkoa, especially with the wing placement. It does make for a really cool design that could inspire different head and beak customization ideas, which there could be quite a bit of options there.

It did make me wonder with playable Arakkoa, if their wings would still be on their arms if they used the regular Arakkoa models. Unless they clip through armor, something would need to be done if they would get flying as a racial. Maybe if they suddenly got wings on their backs instead, that could work, though I don’t know how perfect that would be. Something to think about for sure.


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I remember wanting to play as Arakkoa since TBC, and expected them with each of the new expansions. Upon return to WoW about 12 years later I see that a new race has been introduced in this latest expansion that, upon implementation, seems to overcome any obstacle that people thought of. I am very surprised to see new, unheard of races including one sharing a nearly identical model to the Arakkoa but they are not a playable race.

Another thing I found for Arakkoa paladin: the Arakkoa Suntalon, an Arakkoa prying the sun and using abilities about the sun (Solar Radiance and Solar Wrath)


Still hoping for this.


Would love to see the Arakkoa become playable!

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Another thing I found for Arakkoa: Dawnseeker Rukaryx. Two things for this Arakkoa are interessing. First it’s a female, it’s nice to see more of them for this race. Second she seems to be a druid so Arakkoa could get druid if they become a playable race.


While I wonder if they’re just a druid so they can use “sun” spells main timeline arrakoa also have druids that turn into kaliri from time to time.

I think druid is definitely on the table for them.

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I came across a quest from the Horde Tavern in the Garrison that has a Tauren talk a bit about the evil Arakkoa:

“The arakkoa of this land worship the sun as I do. But they are a violent, isolationist, and decadent race, who seem to derive a different message than my own people. This troubles me.”

It has been awhile since I went through the WoD storylines, but I assume the AU Arakkoa in general worship the sun as opposed to just the bad ones we beat up in WoD.

It’s possible that the good AU Arakkoa could get along with the Tauren on the Horde. Either that or their worship of the sun differs some from Tauren’s worship of the sun. I’m not sure if any of that would affect what faction playable Arakkoa would join or if they would potentially be a neutral race, but it is still something of interest worth noting.


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A new month has arrived, and with it comes a new round of in-game playable race request suggestions!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Hopefully we’ll see them paired with Saberon on that character creation screen someday! :bird: :lion:


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We coud have Arakkoa coming from Draenor and escaping to Yrel and her army. They could decide to install on Azeroth and decide to rejoin the Alliance to survive in this new world and be protected against Yrel and the Lightbound.