Unimaginative Affixes

We are on a 12 week affix rotation. This rotation includes 12 different affixes, plus prideful and fortified/tyrannical.

In 8 of those 12 weeks, three quarters of the time, you are worrying about “thing that happens when mobs die” affixes. Of the twelve affixes, 5 total use this mechanic.

I find that both unimaginative and boring. With two healing affixes and 1 volcanic then another volcanic on steroids (that’s storming btw), the only truly unique affixes after that are Inspiring (which they tried to make as annoying as possible), quaking (which I like) and Raging (which is also alright).

Why have 5 affixes all based on the death of mobs? Does Blizzard need help? I could come up with affix ideas all day. More mechanics and less tedious ‘oh my better watch when stuff is dieing.’

Quaking is good, volcanic is good. This is more of what we should have 5 of. Make us move. Heck, I dont even mind much needing to kite but does almost everything have to be on death triggers? Sanguine is just so…yuck.

I think the focus is maybe too much on affixes being problematic for players, instead of fun.

P.S. Obviously Fortified/Tyrannical is embarrassingly unimaginative as well.

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